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Age by decade:
All these are terms designating someone’s age by decade. The prefix in such terms is always from the Latin. For example, the Latin septuageni = seventy.
• Denarian: Someone age 10 to 19.
* Vicenarian: Someone in his or her twenties.
* Tricenarian: Someone in his or her thirties.
* Quadragenarian: Someone in his or her forties.
* Quinquagenarian: Someone in his or her fifties.
* Sexagenarian: Someone in his or her sixties.
* Septuagenarian: Someone in his or her seventies.
* Octogenarian: Someone in his or her eighties.
* Nonagenarian: Someone in his or her nineties.
* Centenarian: Someone 100 or more.
* Supercentenarian: Someone 110 years old or more (no upper limit).
It is nice to know the meaning of these terms. Maybe they are used in the medical field. If I were you, I would stay away from using them. Ordinary folks don’t know the meaning. Can you imagine what people may think of you if you say “His own wife had to resign from a women's organization in her later years because she was an admitted sexagenarian.” ? – a joke, perhaps in bad taste.