The following figure shows a resistor R of 10Ω connected to a cell. An ammeter with coil resistance 1Ω is used to measure the current through the resistor.
(a) If the ammeter,connected in series with R reads 0.5A,calculate
(i) the potential difference across the ammeter(我計到是0.5V)
(ii) the potential difference across the 10Ω resistor(我計到是5V)
(iii) the e.m.f. of the cell(我計到是5.5V)
(b) The student soon finds the reading of the ammeter is not the current that he intended to measure
(i) calculate the expected the current(我計到是0.55A)
*(ii) explain the above finding.
*(c) what condition, regarding to the value of R is expected if the ammeter is to obtain a better measurement of the current? explain briefly.