天同師兄dc motor問題,同埋potentiometer

2010-12-11 2:52 am
天同師兄你之前答我一個ideal 既dc motor係eq.state果陣 back emf=input voltage,angular velocity=constant但我再諗果陣又有d唔明...
係我本書同我d notes佢地經常都由個normal of moving coil 同b-field form angle=90 i.e.sin wt=1開始考慮,and then 當back emf=input voltage,angular velocity=constant,
Q1)但我唔明根據back emf=NBAw sintwt呢條式,back emf is changing at any instant,咁又有咩可能back emf=input voltage at any instant呢?
Q2)如果back emf唔係=input voltage,咁姐係有current啦,咁咪姐係有driving torque?Q3)而且當plane of coil perpendicular to b-field,angle=0,back emf=NBAw sintwt=0,maximum driving torque is produced,咁咪再加速過?
Q6)跟住fig2.都係想你proof一proof I2既valuve in term of R and E
Q7)之後想請您解釋下點解fig.1,2 pd across bottom既cell都係一樣但一個有current 一個冇current,咁考試果陣我都應該點睇呢?

補充Q6)跟住fig2.都係想你proof一proof I2既valuve in term of R and E,仲可以in term of i1 or i3

回答 (1)

2010-12-11 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As space here is limited, and you posted so many questions. I could only give short answers.
Q1:You don't have to mind too much about the term sin(wt). The equation is used in most physics texts just illustrate the principle in practical motors. You would feel better if you could consider a radial magnetic field (instead of a uniform magnetic field) such that sin(wt) always equals to unity irrespective of the position of the rotating coil. Hence, back emf = NBAw and is always constant for a given rotational speed w.
Q2: When the coil is in a vertical position (aasume a uniform magnetic field acting horizontally), there is no back emf according to the formula. But don't forget that there is also no torques acting on the coil at this isntant, though a current may exist. The resultant current in the coil is in a sinusoidal form. But this has no practical significance, because the max current occurs at coil position (vertical) where there is no torque, and zero current occurs at coil position (horizontal) when the back emf is max and that also produces no torque.

Q3: There is forces acting on the coil at this position, but these forces produce no torque, as they are passing through the axis of the coil.

Q5: The heart of a potentiometer is the driving cell, which provides a steady current through the potentiomete wire, hence establishing a linear potential drop along the wire. The current from the cell under test is assumed small so as not to disturb the steady and linear potential drop along the wire as established by the driving cell. If this condition could not be met, the theory on potentiometer would not hold.

Q6&7: The cell (at bottom) is connected in a reverse direction. It is not a potentiometer circuit. Here, the internal resistance of the cell is importance, which absorbs the difference in potential drop , and cannot be negleced in the calculation.

If you still have queries, please pm me direct as space is not enough here.

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