
2010-12-11 2:28 am
我想問點解SbF5會有molecules同ions(SbF5 2-) 2個唔同既form?

而PCl5大家都係由group5同group7既element組成又唔可以有PCl5 2-?

另外我亦都想問點解SbF5 個ion一定係2- 而唔可以係1-/3-?



(SbF5)^2- 是一個square-based pyramidal而唔係octahedral but thx for your answer

回答 (1)

2010-12-14 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
SbF5 will give a shape of trigonal pyramidal because there are 5 bond-electron pairs in the central atom Sb.

(SbF5)^2- will give a shape of octahedral because there are 6 bond-electron pairs in the central atom Sb. (extra 2 electrons are received)

The charge of (SbF5)^-2 cannot be -1 or -3, usually the electrons are 2 in a pair. If -1/-3 electrons are given to the central atom Sb. There will be 11 electrons/13 electrons in the central atom Sb, which do not exist.

我的知識只能解答這麼多, 希望能解決你一部份的問題

2010-12-14 12:27:14 補充:
(SbF5)^2- will give a shape of octahedral because there are 5 bond-electron pairs "in addition of 1 lone pair" in the central atom Sb. (extra 2 electrons are received)

2010-12-14 12:27:52 補充:
So it should give a shape of square pyramidal, not octahedral.
Sorry for the mistake made here.

2010-12-14 22:12:18 補充:
Yes, i have made the mistake in my comment.
It is changed into square pyramidal.
參考: Knowledge is power.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 16:45:47
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