咁銀行話佢應該未試過 過咁少amount既數 所以過唔到 要 +多600usd 先過到數 佢話佢問nigeria個朋友借
銀行叫我用WESTERN UNION 入600usd 比nigeria果個人 之後send 張入數receipt 比銀行 咁就會連埋1000hkd 同600usd一次過過番比我... 銀行打過電話比我催我入數 scotland個女仔又叫我快d入番600usd比佢 咁我就可以收番d錢 ...
佢今日send e-mail 同我講 ,my bank just called me to let me know that if you did not get back to them fast this week or next week they will call the F.B.I to come and arrest me at my home please i will want you toget back to them with any amount you have now,go to the address i gave to you to send the money,just go and send half of the money to them first so that they will know that i have not collected the money from you,i have attach a transaction i did some week ago that the buyer send the money to the bank through western union and now he has receive the money from my bank,please check the attach western union receipt and know where to send the money from to my friend
1.佢講d野係咪真架 @_@ ?
2.我應該點做 ?
p.s.我之前去郵局想匯款 個officer 叫我小心d要諗清楚 所以冇匯住
e2個e-mail 真定假 ? [email protected] [email protected]