
2010-12-09 8:33 am
茫茫人海可以穩到一個心愛即人,甘係幾大即福氣來。或者無你霖得甘好,但亦吾會衰到邊,所以知福惜福好還珍惜。經常講多D關懷即野,少講責備即野,如你懂得珍惜,你就會發現你獲得即越來越多。如果一味追求,你會發現你失去即越來越快…愛情合理就好,吾好委屈將就,吾好相信完美即愛情,其實只要你知道,彼此都有缺點,但有一種純樸即可愛就足夠喇。當我地擁有一隻鞋即時候,先會明白失去另一隻鞋即滋味,失去即野總系最好即,消逝即戀情總系刻骨銘心即。珍惜或放低,都係生命中必經即過程,做好自己即本分,唔好為左討好別人而去改變自己,當然亦唔好為左某些因素固執不通。請明白:相愛即時候需要真誠,爭執即時候需要溝通;嬲即時候需要冷靜;開心即時候需要分享;指責即時候需要諒解;結婚即時候需要包容。一個人即生命裡,擦肩而過即人有千千萬萬,有幾個系知音,有幾個系深愛自己即人。 “與其眾裡尋求千百回,不如疼惜眼前真情人!”…愛情再點堅固,。都係無法程受忙碌即侵蝕,我只係想講,愛情唔係等你得閒先去珍惜。 。 。 ­

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2010-12-09 8:55 am
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請輸入文字、網址,您也可翻譯文件。取消聆聽 將中文翻譯為英文Can be stabilized to a big crowd loved that person, Gan is a blessing to several major department. Lin was willing or not you are good, but also I will decline to the side, so cherish good blessings also cherish. Often say more than that of wild D care less about blaming the wild, as you know how to cherish, you will find that you get more and more. If we blindly pursue, you will find that you lose that love, and faster ... like a reasonable, good wronged I will, I well believe that love is perfect, in fact, as long as you know, each has shortcomings, but there is a simple love can be La enough. When I was in a shoe that is when the first loss of the other shoe that will appreciate the taste, loss of the wild is the best overall system, passing the General Department of unforgettable love that. Value or lower, they are all must go through the process of life, which do their part, do not attempt to please others away to the left to change themselves, of course, do not attempt to stubborn barrier to the left of certain factors. Please understand: when the need for love that is sincere, when a dispute that needs to communicate; mad at that time need to be calm; happy that when the need to share; accused the understanding that the time required; married or when to inclusion. A person that is life, there are hundreds of thousands of people pass that, there are several lines aficionados, there are several lines that people love their own. "Rather than seeking the public thousands in back, front of the truth than to sympathize with people!" ... Love another strong point. They are all busy or can not be eroded by the way, I just like to say a line, love not you agree and so you have to spare to go to treasure. . .
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