wanna Tell me about buddhism?

2010-12-09 4:17 am
Id like to know about it, thanks (:

回答 (7)

2010-12-09 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
http://www.nichirendaishoninsbuddhism.com/ for my sect, Nichiren Buddhism
http://www.viewonbuddhism.org/ for Tibetan Buddhism
http://www.darkzen.com/ for better zen, not the trash that passes for it
http://accesstoinsight.org/ for theravada Buddhism

Or email me questions, though I am not a scholar, I think about my religion a lot.

Anything specific you wanna know? I could leave an edit on my answer.
參考: Buddhist
2010-12-09 1:49 pm
- Buddhism is a practice based religion primarily focusing on meditation.

- The Buddha was an enlightened being who taught the Dhamma/Dharma.

- The root teaching of Buddhism is that there is Suffering in life that arises from craving, and there is a way to alleviate it.(eight fold path)

- A Buddhist, in the surface, would focus living in present, have no material attachments(use them, develop no affinity/bias towards them) and have compassion towards anything living.

- There are two major sects, Threvada a teaching based on what the Buddha Sakyamuni taught. Mahayana school(with various subschools) has a lot of additional texts attributed to other Buddhas and Bodhisattavas.

2010-12-09 8:01 pm
Buddhism is about the wisdom of achieving a buddha.
2010-12-09 4:43 pm
2010-12-09 12:19 pm
it rules and you can google it i like the quotes
2010-12-09 12:19 pm
2010-12-09 9:31 pm
I am not a qualified teacher.
There is too much information.
There is too much explanation involved in the techniques of the Practice of Buddhism.
The real knowledge comes from doing the Practice. The writings and words of Buddhism only hint at what you will experience for yourself.
One can teach without being understood, because grasping the teachings happens more slowly than a summer's dawn.
And no matter how well you think you understand what you have been taught, every 5 years or so, you will gain deeper understanding which makes you laugh at the pre-school level of previous understanding.

Buddhism is a journey that each must undertake themselves. A road map (the teacher) is invaluable, but it is your own effort that takes you there. Beware of learning from books ... because of the complexity of the concepts, it is too easy to miss the point entirely and there is no one there to correct you. The biggest stall-maker in Buddhism is thinking with your mind and thinking that is where the truths of Buddhism lie.

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