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2010-12-09 3:55 am
An issue that could “derail” relations, again apparently quoting the Chinese official, was US arms sales to Taiwan , including Chinese concerns that the US could sell advanced F -16C /D fighter aircraft, for which Taiwan has been lobbying.Separately, on the issue of arms sales, another secret cable from the US embassy in Ankara , Turkey , notes that in January this year, the US was considering whether to ask Taiwan to aid Turkey in its counterinsurgency efforts by -leasing some of its attack helicopters. It implies that the US and Taiwan still maintain high-level military contacts.

回答 (4)

2010-12-09 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
An issue that could “derail” relations, again apparently quoting the Chinese official, was US arms sales to Taiwan , including Chinese concerns that the US could sell advanced F -16C /D fighter aircraft, for which Taiwan has been lobbying.

Separately, on the issue of arms sales, another secret cable from the US embassy in Ankara , Turkey , notes that in January this year, the US was considering whether to ask Taiwan to aid Turkey in its counterinsurgency efforts by -leasing some of its attack helicopters. It implies that the US and Taiwan still maintain high-level military contacts

參考: jim
2010-12-09 5:20 am
美國對台軍售台軍包括中國擔心美國可能出售先進的 F-16 C /D 戰機飛機臺灣已為其進行遊說,可以"破壞"再次顯然報價,中國的官員的關係的問題。
分開,關於對台軍售的這個問題在安卡拉,土耳其的美國大使館的另一個秘密電纜指出今年 1 月,美國正在考慮是否要努力鎮壓的援助土耳其臺灣租賃其攻擊直升機的一些。這意味著,美國和臺灣仍維持高級別的軍事接觸。
2010-12-09 5:04 am
一個問題,可以“脫軌”的關係,顯然再次引用中國官員,是美國向台灣出售武器,其中包括中國擔心,美國可能出售先進的F - 16C / D戰鬥機,為此,台灣一直遊說。


2010-12-09 4:36 am
美國對台軍售台軍包括中國擔心美國可能出售先進的 F-16 C /D 戰機飛機臺灣已為其進行遊說,可以"破壞"再次顯然報價,中國的官員的關係的問題。分開,關於對台軍售的這個問題在安卡拉,土耳其的美國大使館的另一個秘密電纜指出今年 1 月,美國正在考慮是否要努力鎮壓的援助土耳其臺灣租賃其攻擊直升機的一些。這意味著,美國和臺灣仍維持高級別的軍事接觸。

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