A beautiful language?

2010-12-08 4:57 am
I know that this is highly variable from person to person, but was is generally considered a beautiful language? What characteristics about languages make them 'beautiful' ?

回答 (9)

2010-12-08 5:01 am
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Portuguese which has the ability to describe somethings beauty so much more vivid than any other language. The ability to express your feelings etc... French sounds beautiful no matter what is being said - even a French argument sounds beautiful - LOL
2010-12-08 1:35 pm
1)French is romantic - soft intonation, salut, bonjour, merci are words that's ever so pleasant to hear.
For : Love

2)Chinese/Japanese is artistic- myraids of combination, tricky 4 intonation, rich in tradition, each character has a story to tell.
For : Art and history

3)English is simple yet restrictive but counter balance by its plentiful in word stock. Grammar had somewhat dampen its ability to florish, but the logical sense behind is ever so impeccable and undeniable.
For : Mr Bean (lol)X. For simplicity, it is simply being beautiful.
2010-12-08 12:58 pm
French. It has to do with the intonation of most of the language, and also how syncopated the syllables are. In French and Italian there is a steady "beat" to the language, making it sound "musical/lyrical" and therefore beautiful.
2010-12-09 1:14 am
like it has been said, it depens.
for example, even though many people seem to consider it beautiful, i think french sounds just awful. especially men who talk french, it´s way too feminine to me. ;)

if you want to find a language that is beautiful, just listen to some languages and then decide on your own.
2010-12-08 10:51 pm
It depends on the speaker.Someone who uses kind words,smiles and does not swear or complain and rather encourages others is a very good and beautiful speaker in any language.
參考: me.
2010-12-08 4:04 pm
I guess French and Italian!
oh my gosh! I can't believe I just mentioned Italian....... (I don't really like Italian people but their language is just awesome)
I recently listened to an Italian pod cast and it was awesome! the intonation is just right and cool and it sounds manly! :/ I want to learn Italian now :ZzzzZ
French is beautiful! the spelling is brilliant! It sounds nothing like it looks :P that's what make it more more and more beautiful :D I love "Nasal" words! it's cool!

and how bout English? hmm It depends on the accent! I personally love when Irish-Dubliner and Royal family speak! or Emma Watson :P it sounds beautiful......... but maybe cuz I'm used to hearing English all my life............. it just sounds normal to me :/

Swedish is kind of cool too :P but it sounds a bit weird ? haha <3
2010-12-08 1:09 pm
beauty is subjective to each person. i always hear that french is the most whimsical and beautiful language but i don't really know. i think that calling a language beautiful is just misuse of a word in the same way people call things "gay" that are in no way shape or form homosexual.
2010-12-08 12:59 pm
the rich vocabulary, the various ways for them to say things
2010-12-08 1:05 pm
I think that french for example is a beautiful language and Finnish isn't. It's all based on how it sounds, french sounds smooth and have over all a nice sound to listen to. Finnish on the other hand sounds hard and sort of angry. So for me it's all about the tone.

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