F3 Maths Chapter 4:Mensuration

2010-12-08 2:24 am
Notice that steps are required to the following question and figures will not given.

14. A circular cone is divided into three portions A, B and C by planes parallel to the base as shown in the figure. The slant heights of the three portions are equal in length. Find the ratio of the volumes of portions A, B and C.

回答 (1)

2010-12-08 2:26 am
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Let the height of the cone be 3h :

A : (A+B) : (A+B+C) = h^3 : (2h)^3 : (3h)^3 = 1 : 8 : 27

A : B : C

= A : (A+B - A) : (A+B+C - (A+B) )

= 1 : (8 - 1) : (27 - 8)

= 1 : 7 : 19

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