轉做英文咁寫有無錯 ???

2010-12-07 9:33 pm

唔該幫幫手追問user何時會安排付款, 我追問佢地大陸果邊同事沒有答我確實日期, 只係叫我寄單, 9月及10月Invoice已一早寄哂單去佢地成都嘅地址,而且我上星期25/11 已再安排郵寄certificate true Copy比佢地

Please help to ask the user the payment schedule of the invoice Sept & Oct. I’ve asked their a/c dept. but still no responded of the payment date. And the invoices already mail to their China address.On 25/11 I’ve also mail the Certificate true copy to them. Thanks for you help.

回答 (2)

2010-12-07 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案


I am writing with regard to the payment arrangement of order reference no. XXXXXX by “ABC Company”, in which the invoices of September and October (Invoice Nos. YYYYY, ZZZZZ) have been sent to their address in Chengdou already. However, their accounting department has no definite confirmed payment date when I inquired, they just requested our invoice to be sent. So I’ve also mailed them the certified true copy of these invoices last week (25/11). Would you please help to follow-up on getting this customer/user to process the payment as soon as possible before the end of this month? Should you require further details on the subject, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.
2010-12-08 11:28 am



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