Why are Iranians so rude to other people?

2010-12-07 3:28 am
I live in California, in a community where there are lots of Iranians. I work with a few of them.

I have found them to be very openly hostile, rude, abrasive, short-tempered and petty. I have not had any problems with anyone else at work. The Iranians have isolated themselves from everyone else. They have formed a click, they gang up on other co-workers. They also do very little work, if any, and they complain a lot.

I'm wondering if there is an underlying reason for this hostility? I live and work in a nice place, with nice people and everyone else is happy. we all get equal treatment at work. So what gives?

It almost seems like they hate being in the U.S. so why did they even come here? I constantly hear them say Iran is better than the U.S. and I'm wondering why they keep coming here.

回答 (28)

2010-12-08 1:19 pm
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All of them aren't bad. You can find some good people between them too! I'm Iranian, and yeah, ur right. some Iranians are rude. But you can find "Bad" people in every nation, not only in Iran and Iranians.
That's ridiculous! :)) They're in USA and they say Iran is better? :)) They're losers! So it would be really awesome if they could come back here and I could come to California! :))
As I know Iranians, the perfect way for not getting involved with them is to "Don't argue with them, even if you are right"
I have so many problems at school too! (I swear I do nothing, but they call me weird, or they try to piss me off and ruin my day) because I don't think or act like them.
Let them go! I'm sick of "most of the Iranians" too!
2014-04-05 7:39 pm
I actually googled "Why are Iranians so friendly?" Then I found this page, what a weird result!

I've just finished my 30-day trip in Iran, I must say, Iranians are the most friendly and hospitable people I've ever met, and I traveled quite a lot.

I was trying to see if there was a better explanation for their hospitality other than the religious reasons, then I found this page... really strange.
2013-10-24 12:22 pm
I'm a 16 year old Iranian I live in Paris and I just wanted to say that, most of Iranians who live out of Iran are kind of... snobby. I don't understand this either, because the first time I went to Iran, I felt so good because people are so nice and hospitable! For exemple, my grandmother's neighbour saw me in the Hall and asked me to come in her house and have a cup of tea, but she didn't know me. It isn't just one person, 70% of the Iranians are firendly and hospitable. But it seems that the 30 remaining % live outside the country... but I don't judge us because of a few people! I know this is hard to do, but try to stop generalising.
Sometimes, when I see some people telling that they're Persian... I'm so ashamed and I want to say that they are lying. But no, most of Persian people are adorabe.

I think that the real problem is that we are a 'special' community: in France for exmple, there is a lot of Arabic people (Algerians mostly), and they have a little community on their own and we, persians, aren't allowed in. I mean, we are very different from them and we don't fit in this category. But French people keep rejecting us too because we are different! So understand that our customs are very different from the others, and we aren't always accepted by some people, so we stay together... And some of us begin to be... hostile...

You aren't forced to like us, but it makes me really sad that you hate us that much. You can't judge a whole country by a few persons.

Hope that some will understand me, and see us differently.

Good bye :)
2014-07-03 8:21 pm
i understand where all these butt hurts come from probably you see those amount of rich Iranian in LA this can turn on your jealousy towards them.if they say Iran is good that is their own true feeling you probably wanted to hear hypocrite statements like many American whom don't like to hear anything bad negative.if they live and support each others it is a good thing no matter who likes or dislike.aren't AfroAmerican or European decent American or Latino American,Asian American,any other immigrant have their own colony?this is because they have some common culture to share and celebrate,if you are not comfortable with it you don't have to apply for those jobs run by Iranian business owners in US.i have seen many pathetic mean people from any ethnicity but their bad behavior towards me never made me sick psyche to generalize whole group of a nation.i simply ignore if anyone pose ugly attitude toward me without any reason just based on hate and jealousy this include even my own Iranian people if any if them show me bad attitude.
2015-08-05 2:47 pm
your profile picture shows everything ! :) ^_^ do not try say lies about a whole nation just because you are a hater :) everyone knows that Iranian are polite and friendly and very hospitable and you can't change these positive perspectives try to deal with them mr . Republican ! :))
2015-04-03 6:27 am
I see this post as weird and untruthful.I worked with many Iranian,nice,good looking,rich smart and super friendly.I meet and worked with them in Europe and USA and I am European myself.Ciao
2015-12-04 3:44 pm
As I know,based on social reports of the USA government ,Iranians are the most educated and one of the richest minorities in your country. I think you should have a trip to Iran in order to have a better judgment about them .
2016-11-19 9:06 am
Iranians are the most peaceful, smartest and hospitable people I have ever encountered in my life. I am sure this guy who seems to be a racist republican is even unable to locate the country of Iran on a global map. Iranians are also super enriched with one of the most uniquely fascinating cultures. You can certainly find good and bad people in every nation or ethnic groups. People are people!!! One can NOT stereotype whole country by having talked to a very few groups of people within the workplace. Coming across a little ethnic community in your neighborhood or will not suffice to come to a unethical and irrational conclusion as to generalize a nation's sociological, cultural and attributable behaviors. Perhaps you are surrounded by the wrong type of Iranian folks by chance!!
2016-04-30 12:30 pm
I suppose it's to do with the isolation as the world community has shunned them. They have developed so much of a inferiority complex within them and which makes them not stable. I have personally experienced Iranians being extremely rude even on a normal smiling conversation for unknown reasons. I had seen this happen in a lecture class in one of the premier dental school in the world in London 5 yrs back and have seen this again in Australia now in the last 1 month of my stay.
2016-09-09 5:51 am
Let me answer you in detail:
Not all the iranian(Persian)s residing in the USA,but mostly of them are originally from the other cities in Iran(Persia), except Tehran.
They are all from the cities like Esfahan, Shiraz, Ahwaz, Tabeiz, Rasht, Mashhad, and all of them are residing in the Califorina, specially in the LA , San Diego and Orange County.
We ( people originally from Tehran) call them SHAHRESTANI, it means the people who are not originally from Tehran.
They are so many SHAHRESTANI who are living in Tehran, after the revolution on 1978, but it doesn't mean they are Tehranian, however they all say: we are Tehranian! But they are not, and Tehranian people hate them. Yes, the reality is that the Tehranian people hate SHAHRESTANI people, because they are RUDE, LIAR,they STINK(their breath smells poop, because they are from poor cultured families and uneducated families, with a zoo level of personal hygiene ), JEALEOUS and they always have the envy of being Tehranian, so when you ask these RUDE and really LOWCLASS iranian(Persian)s that where are they from? 100% they will reply you : I'm from Tehran! While they are not
They have some significant:
1. rude
2. Liar
3. Jealous
4. Thick and disgusting Accent
5. They always pretend to class and attitude
6. All like Mercedes Benz!
7. Females put on heavy make up, withe blond hair ( which is not their real hair color , they dye it to blond or BLACK BLACK, cause they think they look like SEXY!)
7. Long heel shoes!
8. Short skirts!
9. Acting and dressing like clowns or sluts
10. Mostly going to UCLA or UCSD( you can see bunch of these digesting SHAHRESTANI males and females in there)
11. They all likes the brands like Chanel and Gucci, and they bring so many fake Gucci and Chanel accessories from iran( Persia) and they will say you, these are all original brands!
And yes, these bad smell SHAHRESTANI people, always say:
Iran( Persia) is better than the USA ! And we had a very comfortable life in Iran, we were this, we were that, we are from rich families, our parents are Drs, and they lie lie lie lie lie too much!
If you call them SHAHRESTANI , they will get mad, and explain that they are from TEHRAN! While they are not.
Unfortunately, the new immigrants from Iran are not the only SHAHRESTANI people who emigrated to the USA, they are a lot of SHAHRESTANI who emigrated to abroad, specially to teh USA many years ago, and they are disgusting too.
When you see a iranian( Persian) with the Mercedes Benz, long heel shoes, heavy make up, clothing in Gussi or Chanel, pretending class and attitude, who is RUDE, STINKY, LIAR .... Just change your place, cause 100% you are seeing a disgusting, really disgusting and poor cultured SHAHRESTANI!

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