Why lunchbreak is important?

2010-12-07 12:49 am
Can someone give me a few reasons why taking a lunch break is important?

回答 (5)

2010-12-07 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
- To relieve from stress of school or work by socializing.
- Time to make great friends
- By making those friends you can help each other when faced with work
- You can refreshen yourself by eating and drinking and get your energy for the
rest of your workings during the course of school or work
2010-12-07 11:53 am
So you can eat and get more energy so you could focus on your work. You could hang out with your friends and rest a while before your next class starts.
2010-12-07 9:49 am
Hi,itguru, it sets you up for the rest of the day.
2010-12-07 9:46 am
So you can rest and get something to eat to give you more energy.=)
2010-12-07 8:53 am
depends for me. i never found lunch break very useful to me. i am a fast eater and i get bored really fast. eating lunch on the other hand is very important to refuel energy to your body.

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