請幫手翻譯下呢篇中文啊 十萬火急

2010-12-05 5:14 pm
晚餐之後,乘坐『開蓬巴士』前往太平山纜車站,體驗搭著『古董纜車』欣賞『太平山』的香港美景,由於太平山下有數百萬人的家居,入夜後百萬家燈火盡收眼簾,沒有其他地方的夜景可以媲美。回程欣賞香港全新景點『星光大道』,其設於尖沙咀海濱花園的一段長廊上,面臨壯麗的維多利亞港,坐擁香港島的繁華都會景緻。長廊上的其他設施還包括有雕塑、電影事業里程碑、紀念品店。喜愛瘋狂追星的您,在此一定可以滿載而歸!後悔會到了酒店休息繼續明天的行程。第 2 天
享用早餐之後,帶您前往『海洋公園』,園中熱門景點包括:大熊貓安安、佳佳、盈盈及樂樂居住的「大熊貓園」、「威威至激之旅」、「恐龍足跡」、大型環礁生態館「海洋館」及雲集世界各地千多隻漂亮水母的「水母萬花筒」。 海豚與海獅每天在「海洋劇場」演出,而海獅海豹則在「太平洋海岸」內玩耍嬉戲。此外,72公尺高的「海洋摩天塔」可讓您飽覽周圍美景。您也可以登上「瘋狂過山車」、「摩天巨輪」或「翻天飛鷹」來瞧瞧反過來的南中國海長什麼樣子;或坐上「越礦飛車」在高空懸崖行走678公尺,還有極度刺激的「極速之旅」能在五秒間急速下降62公尺。在「雀鳥天堂」及「綠野花園」,您可以欣賞到美麗的動植物。「兒童王國」裡則有令小朋友流連忘返的遊戲、表演及遊樂設施。

回答 (4)

2010-12-07 4:39 am
My friendOscar.He is from England. He knew that Hong Kong is a Hong Kong Pearl of the Orient reputation.
In order to welcome his arrival, we went to tea (snack food). Start the journey with him to take theStar Ferry , take the ferry in the century-old, the list on both sides of Victoria Harbour, the most outstanding modern architecture and construction, but also on the open decks to enjoy the fantastic journey of the sea .Then, of course, try the first taste of Hong Kong sit and taste it slowly came to Soho to experience the world's longest outdoor escalator , elevator interludes in the Central District of the characteristics of the streets, always appear in the tourist postcards stretches upward, After dinner, take open-top bus to the Victoria Peak Tram Station and experience the draped antiques Victoria Peak Tram Hong Kong enjoy the beauty of millions of people under the Peak home, collect all lighted at night a hundred eyes, no can be compared to the rest of the night. Return to appreciate Hong Kong Avenue of Stars new attractions, and its located in Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade section of promenade, facing the magnificent Victoria Harbour, sits on the bustling city of Hong Kong Island view.Other facilities on the corridor also includes sculptures, movie industry milestones, souvenirs shop.
Day 2
After breakfast, take you to the Ocean Park, the park popular attractions include: Giant panda An An, Jia Jia, Ying Ying and Le Le live "Panda Garden", "Wei-wei to the shock of the Tour" and "dinosaur footprint" large atoll ecosystem Museum "Aquarium" and around the world gathered over a thousand beautiful Jellyfish only the "Sea Jelly Spectacular." Dolphins and sea lions every day in the "Ocean Theatre" performance, while the sea lions seals in the "Pacific Coast" play within a play.In addition, 72 meters high, "Ocean Park Tower" allows you to enjoy the surrounding beauty.

2010-12-06 7:12 pm
2010-12-05 10:26 pm
My friend. . Oscar. . He is from England. He knew that Hong Kong is a 『Hong Kong Pearl of the Orient 』 reputation.
DAY1: In order to welcome his arrival, we went to tea (snack food). Start the journey with him to take the 『Star Ferry 』, take the ferry in the century-old, the list on both sides of Victoria Harbour, the most outstanding modern architecture and construction, but also on the open decks to enjoy the fantastic journey of the sea . Then, of course, try the first taste of Hong Kong sit and taste it slowly came to Soho to experience the world's longest 『outdoor escalator 』, elevator interludes in the Central District of the characteristics of the streets, always appear in the tourist postcards stretches upward, Man bottomless 』『 Lithographic Street, the Central Police Station 』『 solemn classical hidden pains and sorrows of the last century, and in this length of 800 meters of the escalator, you will learn about the most retro style in Central side. After dinner, take 』『 open-top bus to the Victoria Peak Tram Station 』and experience the draped antiques 『 Victoria Peak Tram 』Hong Kong enjoy the beauty of millions of people under the Peak home, collect all lighted at night a hundred eyes, no can be compared to the rest of the night. Return to appreciate 『Hong Kong Avenue of Stars 』 new attractions, and its located in Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade section of promenade, facing the magnificent Victoria Harbour, sits on the bustling city of Hong Kong Island view. Other facilities on the corridor also includes sculptures, movie industry milestones, souvenirs shop. Starchaser's your favorite crazy, this will be a rewarding experience! Regret to the hotel will continue to do tomorrow. Day 2 After breakfast, take you to the 『Ocean Park』, the park popular attractions include: Giant panda An An, Jia Jia, Ying Ying and Le Le live "Panda Garden",
參考: Goggle
2010-12-05 5:27 pm
My friend. . Oscar. . He is from England. He knew that Hong Kong is a 『Hong Kong Pearl of the Orient 』 reputation.
In order to welcome his arrival, we went to tea (snack food). Start the journey with him to take the 『Star Ferry 』, take the ferry in the century-old, the list on both sides of Victoria Harbour, the most outstanding modern architecture and construction, but also on the open decks to enjoy the fantastic journey of the sea . Then, of course, try the first taste of Hong Kong sit and taste it slowly came to Soho to experience the world's longest 『outdoor escalator 』, elevator interludes in the Central District of the characteristics of the streets, always appear in the tourist postcards stretches upward, Man bottomless 』『 Lithographic Street, the Central Police Station 』『 solemn classical hidden pains and sorrows of the last century, and in this length of 800 meters of the escalator, you will learn about the most retro style in Central side.
After dinner, take 』『 open-top bus to the Victoria Peak Tram Station 』and experience the draped antiques 『 Victoria Peak Tram 』Hong Kong enjoy the beauty of millions of people under the Peak home, collect all lighted at night a hundred eyes, no can be compared to the rest of the night. Return to appreciate 『Hong Kong Avenue of Stars 』 new attractions, and its located in Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade section of promenade, facing the magnificent Victoria Harbour, sits on the bustling city of Hong Kong Island view. Other facilities on the corridor also includes sculptures, movie industry milestones, souvenirs shop. Starchaser's your favorite crazy, this will be a rewarding experience! Regret to the hotel will continue to do tomorrow.

Day 2
After breakfast, take you to the 『Ocean Park』, the park popular attractions include: Giant panda An An, Jia Jia, Ying Ying and Le Le live "Panda Garden",

2010-12-05 09:28:51 補充:

參考: Net;)

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