
2010-12-05 9:10 am
20點,我想要d鈴聲,但搵極都搵唔倒...我想要手機鈴聲:sans defense -clemence ge 鈴聲牙-)唔該

回答 (3)

2010-12-08 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 自己
2010-12-05 8:13 pm
你可以下載 千千静听 你可以系 千千静听到聽同下載
參考: 我自己
2010-12-05 11:46 am
Find it on Youtube, then download it by Youtube downloader, change it into mp3, if you confuse of using Youtube downloader, you can post the website out, I help you.

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