What follow a preposition?

2010-12-05 12:58 am

I was taught in my primary school that only a noun, pronoun, noun phrase, gerund or relative clause can follow a preposition, acting as a "prepositional object".

Yet, recently I saw a sentence below that confounds me so much.

"We are going to keep the ostrich-leather bag for AS LONG AS OUR FAMILY EXISTS."

Here, "AS LONG AS OUR FAMILY EXISTS" is right after the preposition "for", is it a prepositional object? or should it be regarded as a prepositional object?

Many thanks.

回答 (1)

2010-12-05 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're forgetting what you memorized but didn't learn.

You don't need to capitalize it...it's a relative dependent clause. The preposition introduces it into the OBJECT part of the sentence.

You can swing it around to the SUBJECT part too:

AS LONG AS OUR FAMILY EXISTS, we are going to keep the ostrich-leather bag.

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