美國上網的問題 (20點)

2010-12-05 4:02 am
我將在一月的時候去美國舊金山進修碩士,預計會待在美國兩年,但由於我的女朋友在上海,所以我門聯繫的部份是個很大的問題,但我門都有智慧型手機 (她i phone 我 desire hd) 所以想用手機網路的方式來保持連絡 因此 想請問各位如果我想要在美國,用美國的電信像在台灣一樣電信上網 (吃到飽) 費用會很貴嗎 ? 有什麼好的推薦與建議嗎 ? 或另外還有什麼好的方案呢 ? 感激大家 !!! (謝絕廣告)

回答 (2)

2010-12-14 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

T-Mobile® Talk + Text + Web plans$79.99/month Individual plan - 1500 Whenever Minutes®$149.99/month Family plan - 3000 Whenever Minutes®Plans include:Unlimited messages (text, picture, video, and IM)Unlimited Web on America’s largest 4G networkUnlimited T-Mobile to T-Mobile callingUnlimited nights and weekends webConnect® Plans 5 GB Web access + Unlimited T-Mobile HotSpot Even More webConnect® Overage Free Plan More details compare $39.99per month Add to Cart This plan is not available for your phone, which requires an Unlimited Web service for Internet access to e-mail and more. If you would like to keep your phone, please choose a different plan. 200 MB Web access + Unlimited T-Mobile HotSpot Even More webConnect® 200MB Plan More details compare $24.99per month Add to Cart This plan is not available for your phone, which requires an Unlimited Web service for Internet access to e-mail and more. If you would like to keep your phone, please choose a different plan.
2010-12-05 7:24 am
都是吃到飽. 所以費用上面不是問題. 目前每一家費率差不多, T-mobile 稍稍便宜一點. AT&T因為在舊金山Iphone的用戶很多, 聽說常常會網路塞爆...不知是有多嚴重. 你到了舊金山可以再探聽. Data plan費用約在30-50元之間. 手機本身也有program 費用. 所以應該是一個月每金70-90元的預算. 最近我就想去簽一支G2來用.

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