Preposition at the ends of clauses?

2010-12-03 12:55 pm
HI, everyone.

I have read the daily showing it bizarre sentence

"I will also save money to start my business with"

I'm wondering if "with" can be left out. It will become

"I will also save money to start my business"

I think it's more proper and grammatically sound

Please correct me if I were wrong

Thanks in advance

回答 (2)

2010-12-03 1:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is absolutely nothing wrong with ending a sentence with a preposition. However, in this case, the preposition 'with' is totally unnecessary. You are quite correct.
2010-12-03 10:48 pm
The 'no preposition at the end of a sentence' is an archaic rule; in this case however the "with" is redundant.

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