vector calculus 3

2010-12-04 7:17 am
Find the parametric equation for the curve C of intercsetion the surfaces z=x^2 +y^2 and z = 3+2x.

Identify the curve (Why it is an ellipse on the plane z=3+2x,not circle??)

ALSO,find the equations of the projection curvees of thecruves of the curve of intersection C

(i) onto the xy-plane,
(ii) onto the plane z= -4,
(iii) onto the plane y=3.

Identify all the projection curves,.

z= 5+4cost??

回答 (1)

2010-12-04 7:02 pm
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2010-12-04 11:03:00 補充:

2010-12-06 21:54:38 補充:
My mistake: x = 1 + 2 cos t
z = 3 + 2x = 3 + 2(1 + 2 cos t) = 5 + 4 cos t

(iii) x = 1 + 2 cos t; y=3; z = 5 + 4 cos t
Replace cos t with u
=> x = 1 + 2u; y = 3; z = 5 + 4u

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