
2010-12-04 7:05 am
The redundancy notice will be issued by admin staff at the latest possible date to comply with the UK employment law.

假返員工需要在解僱一星期前被通知, 而今日係1月7日, 咁係咪1月7日的一星期前要發信?

還是呢度latest possible date唔係咁解?

Sorry, 假返=假如. 打錯字. 咁係唔係姐係唔可以8/9/10....日前通知, 一定要7日前, 指定個日?

回答 (2)

2010-12-04 6:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The redundancy notice : 裁員通知書
2. issued by admin staff : 行政部同事會出
3. the latest possible date : 最遲果日(貼到實一實果隻)
4. to comply with the UK employment law : 根足英國勞工法例要求

"假返員工" ? sorry, 啫係咩 ?

如"根據英國勞工法例要求" 係一星期咪就係一星期前要發信囉.

e度latest possible date解: 佢話咗比你知果日bye bye, 就會起 bye bye果"7日"前通知你囉.

2010-12-04 13:10:08 補充:
redundancy = 遣散
2010-12-04 7:40 pm
First, I don't quite understand what does "redundancy notice" means, have a notice been written several times and is repeating? If not, this sentence is grammatically wrong and don't make sense.

By reading your chinese text. You wanted to issue a letter of termination to an employee, and this notice shall be served 1 week prior to the last day of his employment -as according to UK employment act.

If it's 7th January 2010 today, and letter is served at this day. The employee should be doing his last order on 7th Feburary.

Hey! you can't fire someone like this???? You have to give some reasons what kinda employer are you??

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