
2010-12-03 11:25 pm

e.g.點解係Are you married?
唔係Do you married?


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2010-12-04 7:50 am
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Are you married? - Right.
Do you married? – Wrong

ARE 可以做 auxiliary verb 或者 linking verb

“Are” is used as a linking verb:
Are you happy? (happy - adjective)
Are you a reporter? (reporter – noun)

“Are” is used as an auxiliary verb
Are you listening to me? (present continuous tense)
Are the offenders always charged by the police? (present simple tense; passive voice)

DO 其中一用法可以做 auxiliary verb, used with another verb to form a question.
Do you like bananas?

Are you married? 這句子是對. Are 是linking verb, married是adjective.
Do you married? 這句子是錯兩處, (1) 不能用past tense (2) Marry 用錯

The format:

Someone + marry + someone (active voice)

e.g. Cindy married John.
Will you marry me? (question)
I do not want to marry you. (negative)

Someone + is/am/are/was/were/will be + married to + someone (passive voice)
e.g. Cindy was married to John.

When there is no direct object, it is more common to use the expression “get married”
John and Marry got married last week.

“be married” and “get married” can both be used with preposition “to” and an object.
Cindy got married to her childhood sweetheart.

Use of preposition “with” in this case is wrong.
Cindy got married with her childhood sweetheart. (wrong)

In everyday English, rather than saying that two people marry, people usually say that they get married.

There are other formats too:

Someone + marry (intransitive verb) + adverb (or adverbial phrase)

e.g. She married young.
      She married late.

To ling:
You suggest: Have you married? (active voice)

Don’t you think it is more common to say, “Have you been married?”
參考: Oxford practical English Usage
2010-12-04 5:31 am
Are you married?- yes correct

have you married?

唔係Do you married?- it is because -

Do you marry somebody?
We say:

Are you happy?

We don't say

Do you happy?

2010-12-04 4:25 am
2010-12-04 1:22 am
Are 用於 adjectives
Do 用 於 verb

此處之Married 是形容你個婚姻狀況。簡單的, 我地會說 i am married, you are interested, the film is interesting...以上都是由 verb 變了 adjective (用來形容個noun)的例子。

i Jump, you swim, i take your pocket等...都係verb... 所以用do啦
參考: myself

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