
2010-12-03 9:37 pm

回答 (5)

2010-12-03 10:49 pm
2010-12-04 6:33 pm
2010-12-04 4:48 am
Yellowing teeth indicate there is a film of bacteria multiplying on the teeth just like human. If not dealt with, in the long term it can develop into tartar, calculi and gangivitis (牙周病) . Calculi and gangivitis, when it is big enough it can dislodge and cause systemic infection e.g endocarditis (心瓣炎). Thus you really need to take action to control oral bacteria.
Wet food tends to fill into gaps and holes in teeth, attracting more bacteria to cause further dental decay and impaction, thus, if your dog is on wet dog food, it would be good measure to brush its teeth after meal. Dry food offer more abrasion to teeth surface and is better for dental care e.g. Hill's oral care (dry food) If your dog is on dry food consider brushing its teeth every 2-3 days at least
To remove the teeth stain, you need to go to vet clinic for dental scale and polish (洗牙)
Be careful with dental bone 潔齒骨 because it is one of the top causes of intestinal obstruction in dogs (espeically greenies 潔齒骨 ) Intestinal obstruction is an emergency (fatal) and may require surgery
Therefore the best way to keep your dog's teeth healthy is to brush its teeth regularly. You can use tooth brush for dogs/ tooth brush that you can wear on you finger / gauze. I personally favour the brush that you wear on the finger but for dogs that resent teeth brushing, gauze would cause mildest discomfort. Remember to use tooth paste that are design for dog dental care, there are paste and gel rinse in the market.

Price list:
As I've been away from HK for a year the price is only a rough estimation
1. plastic bone (similar to dental bone, but I bought it mainly to give my dogs something to chew on. You can not rely on dental bone to do all the oral care for you, it is not sufficient for your dog) from the pet shop in shat tin new town plaza, next to glasses 88 $80-100 (small-medium size)
2. tooth brush ~$50 from the shatin pet shop/ ma on shan 關達
3. tooth paste ~$120 as item 2

all the best for your dog's health

參考: a vet student
2010-12-03 10:58 pm
2010-12-03 9:44 pm
that is no problem!

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