You can buy rated M video games if you don't have an ID card on you. True or False?

2010-12-02 5:43 pm
A.) True.
B.) False.

回答 (10)

2010-12-02 5:46 pm
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C. All of the above.

Depends how old you look, I went in and bought Halo 3 when it came out and they didn't ask me for ID, I was 18 at the time but apparently I look older. My friend was with me and he didn't have his ID, he tried buying the game 5 minutes later and they asked him for ID; he didn't have it so they didn't sell it to him. They are REQUIRED to ask you however, most of the time it doesn't happen unless you look in the "underage" zone.

(Think of it in the same sense of when people buy alcohol, some people get asked, some don't)
2010-12-10 5:35 pm
Totally 100% depends on the clerk. What the store is supposed to do legally or according to store policy doesn't matter if the clerk simply doesn't care. I've been carded by certain clerks and others have totally ignored the prompt to check ID that comes up on the register when the game was scanned.
2010-12-10 2:24 pm
Depends on the store, the clerk, and if you look the age.

So if your lucky id say its True, unlucky then False
2010-12-10 5:28 am
True, but you must hope that you look a lot older than you actually are when i was 16 i was able to do so but if you think of doing it, stay away from Gamestop or Walmart i would recommend going to a local target, best buy, or a kmart or you can always buy one off of amazon but youll need a debit or credit card. It also depends on who the clerk is. stay away from any managers because they are almost always going to ask you for one.
2010-12-02 5:55 pm
Both True and False. For example, if you're going to a place let's say GameStop for the first time to get an M Rated game, then yes you're going to need an ID card. After going to the same GameStop weekly and/or monthly for your gaming needs a few times in a row and if the employees there recognize and find you to be a regular customer at their store then there is no need to have an ID card present anymore since they already know you're 18 or over.
Basically if you shop for M Rated games not so often, probably like once every 3 months or so, then you're going to need an ID card. But if you're a somewhat weekly or bi-weekly customer then you won't need an ID card since they know you a bit.
參考: Experience.
2010-12-02 5:48 pm
It depends on the clerk.

I know that I've been able to buy them since I was 16, but I also look older then I actually am. I think its the neck pubes :p

But yea. If you don't have your ID on you, and the clerk can clearly see that you are over 18, then it won't be a problem.

If you're underage, then I would grow a beard, and mustache. It really does help. Ohh yea. And have neat hair, that is somehow messy at the same time. Like a college kid. That helps.
2010-12-02 5:47 pm
At a store, especially Gamestop and Wal-Mart, you can't. They either require ID or a parent to be present. As for buying from a person, they probably won't care.
2010-12-02 5:46 pm
A; but you have to look 18 or older. trust me my brother is 16, looks 18 and he could buy CoD, Halo, and mortal kombat, killzone, and noone would care.
2010-12-02 5:46 pm
It is illegal for a retailer to sell you an M rated game without ID if you look under 35 Years old. Kinda the same As cigarettes.
參考: former game stop employee
2010-12-02 5:43 pm
A: You prolly can because people are money hungry
參考: me

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