UGRENT!!!! PLS 請幫我譯英文

2010-11-30 7:05 pm
UGRENT!!!! 以下一段, 可否幫我譯英文? thanks

Dear Betty, "首先, 想澄清一樣, 以往你交給我跟進之訂單, 所涉及之電郵及曾向你提出之問題及你的回覆, 亦一一已轉發給John, 他閱後亦沒有提出疑問, 相信亦應理解。

Dear John, 你說: "我沒有同他分享所有資料", 我感疑惑? 過往, 我跟Betty 往來之電郵也有轉發給你, 你查看過, 而你亦從來沒有提出疑問, 你是因此說我沒有跟你分享嗎?

Dear Betty,
另外, 在電郵上可能大家有誤解, 我沒有John所說的negative feeling。早前曾發生的事情, 也有類似之誤會, 我在此也想順道澄清, 如果我有任何感想, 我是會親自表白自己的立場或感想。所以negative feeling, 並不是我自己的感想。

在此, 想讚揚你一直耐心指導, 若添麻煩給你, 不便之處, 敬請原諒。

回答 (1)

2010-12-01 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Betty, "First of all, would like to clarify the same to me before you follow the orders involved in the e-mail and told you to ask the question and your reply, also one by one has been forwarded to John, he has not put forward after reading doubt, that should be understood.

Dear John, you said: "I do not have with him to share all the information", I puzzled? In the past, I told Betty exchanges of e-mail is also forwarded to you, you check out, and you never question, you are so that I do not share with you?

Dear Betty,
In addition, e-mail may have misunderstood you, I did not John say negative feeling. Have happened earlier, there are similar misunderstanding, I would also like to take the opportunity to clarify, if I have any feelings, I will personally declare their position or feelings. Therefore, negative feeling, not my own feelings.

At this point, would like to commend the patience and guidance you have been, if the trouble for you, for any inconvenience caused, please forgive me.

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