點解申請美國 VISA 咁難??

2010-11-30 4:57 pm
點解申請美國 VISA 咁難??
係咪APPLY其他國家的VISA 都係咁難??

回答 (3)

2010-11-30 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. There are a lot of reasons, but for example:

a. Passive Immigration Policy

Unlike other countries, the U.S. does not actively enforce immigration law. And no one really cares a person's immigration status. It is possible that a person can be an illegal immigrant for years and still in the U.S. and living.

b. Difficulty in immigration

Unlike other countries, immigration to the U.S. is relatively easy.

c. Foreign relationship

2. In theory, yes. (However, as I can tell, the U.S. is the only major destination of people from Hong Kong who still requires a visa.
2010-12-07 10:46 am
because US grovernment worry people go there and not coming back home.
to most people, USA still a place easy to make money and have good life.
2010-11-30 7:35 pm
Visa (簽證)有多種,旅遊簽證,學生簽證,移民簽證,工作簽證,啇移簽證等。我相信你是指旅遊簽證,冇錯,美國(領事館)從來都係咁串,對申請者諸多留難,唔想你去(佢國家),但D人又咁犯賤,排長龍去申請(指移民及旅遊),仲要俾佢(領事館人員)疾。其他大部份國家,如日本,加拿大,星加坡,泰國,紐西蘭,南韓,歐洲諸國,俄羅斯等,短期旅遊,持香港特區護照毋須簽證。


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