
2010-11-30 6:18 am
人們為長者住在家中是因為他們需要別人照顧。首先,長者身體功能逐漸衰退。隨著年紀增長, 長者身體功能逐漸衰退,健康情況欠佳,生活變得不能自理。如果讓長者獨留在家,長者遇上意外時,就沒有人幫助,甚至會有生命危險。另外,年邁的長者沒有工作,自然沒有收入,經濟條件欠佳,需要別人的照顧。所以,我認為人們住在家中是為了長者。

回答 (2)

2010-12-02 10:00 pm
People for the elderly living at home because they need someone to care. First, the elderly body functions gradually decline. Grow older, the decline of physical function elderly, poor health, lives can not take care of themselves. If left unattended at home for the elderly, the elderly case of an accident, no one to help, and even be fatal. In addition, the aging of the elderly did not work before, no income, poor economic conditions, need someone to care. So, I think people living at home is to the elderly.
2010-11-30 9:08 am



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