Chem apparatus

2010-11-30 2:17 am
i want to ask what is the name of the apparatus
It is used pass a gas over a heated solid

and why no.2 is used to obtain a solid from a mixture of solid and liquid

no.3 is used to obtain crystals from a solution of salt

回答 (1)

2010-11-30 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
The first apparatus is called combustion tube (燃燒管).

No. 2 consists of a beaker (燒杯) and a filter funnel (漏斗). The filtering funnel is used with filter paper. When a mixture of solid and liquid is poured onto the filter paper, the liquid would pass through the filter paper and collected in the beaker as the filtrate, whereas the solid is left on the filter paper as the residue.

No. 3 is a evaporating dish (蒸發皿).

2010-12-05 14:32:56 補充:
Put a solution into evaporating dish (no. 3) and heat it. Some solvent of a solution is evaporte and a hot concentrated solution. Crystals are obtained when the solution is allowed to cool down.
參考: 土扁, 土扁

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