
2010-11-28 10:34 pm
本人最近換了樓,是在九月十七日簽臨時買賣合約,十一月二十六日成交的,如果我真的要在兩年內出售,需要繳交5-15% 的印花税嗎?請問計法如何?

回答 (2)

2010-11-29 6:38 pm
2010-11-29 4:43 am
No, as your formal sales and purchase agreement must has been signed well before 20 November, 2010. The date of completion is on 26 November, 2010 and this is not the date of sales and purchase.
The Special Stamp Duty ( SSD ) will only be charged on residential properties of all values at the point of resale if the properties are acquired on or after November 20, 2010 and resold within 24 months after acquisition.

2010-11-30 12:16:13 補充:
I assumed the formal Sales and Purchase Agreement was duly signed before 20 November, 2010.

2010-11-30 12:16:20 補充:
The SSD will be charged on the subsequent selling price and not the profit made on this property dealing. If a porperty was bought on 20 Novmber, 2010 for $70 and is sold for $100 say, on 19 November, 2011, nearly a year, the SSD is charged at 10% on $100 = $10 and not on the profit made $30.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:34:28
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