what does jail inmate mean?

2010-11-27 7:05 pm
okay i was watching ghost lab and they were talking about jail inmates and i don't know what they are. also what is a jail outmate?? i don't get it. please explain. thank you

回答 (9)

2010-11-27 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Inmates are those held in jail or prison. There is no such thing as an "outmate"; once you are released you you are known as a convict (as in convicted of a crime). If you committed a felony, you are known as a felon.

The person you might share a cell with is your "cell mate".
2010-11-27 7:06 pm
Inmate just means a person who is in jail. A prisoner. There is no such thing as an outmate.
2010-11-27 7:05 pm
inmate is the person you with in jail
2016-11-02 12:49 pm
Inmate Meaning
2016-04-28 7:41 am
參考: All Record Search Database : http://AnyRecords.oruty.com/?HTC
2016-04-01 8:24 pm
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/au9YZ

If they get bail they will have a court hearing date in maybe 6 weeks. If they don't follow the bail order rules, they will go back to jail. :-)
2016-01-29 5:23 pm
jail inmate
2015-08-18 5:16 pm
This Site Might Help You.

what does jail inmate mean?
okay i was watching ghost lab and they were talking about jail inmates and i don't know what they are. also what is a jail outmate?? i don't get it. please explain. thank you
參考: jail inmate mean: https://shortly.im/diE5Q
2010-11-27 7:38 pm
mates together in jail for better or for worse
2010-11-27 7:06 pm
a roomate or buddy that you met when incarcerated in jail.

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