Dating a man 20 years older?

2010-11-27 9:31 am
I know, I know, If I am already asking questions about whether or not the relationship will work, it's not a good sign. But I have to ask someone who won't freak out when I tell them I am seriously interested in a man who is 44. My sister thinks it's fine as long as I am happy but she may just be saying that so she doesn't hurt my feelings.

Here's the thing. I am 25 and he is 44. He is my little sister's (different sister than mentioned above) boyfriend's uncle. Plus, I am only 5 years older than his niece. Confused yet? Freaking out? Don't panic. We are not actually dating yet. I can tell he's interested and I am definitely interested in him. Would it just be too weird? Should I even consider it? Please be honest. But kind :)

回答 (20)

2010-11-27 10:01 am
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If you were just 18 or so, then maybe yes, but there are plenty of couples with one much older than the other person, and at 25, plus a mature 25 I would say that is certainly is not weird at all. OK I am an older myself, but that gives we oldies life's experiences plus we've seen more, true it makes us no experts, but we view and see things though all aspects, and therefore can give a more realistic answer.

I admit I had a peep at what others had said, and yes they were from younger people, hence the expression of weird. I laughed to myself. For you see when we are young ourselves we probably thought just the same way, forgetting that we'd reach the grand old age of 44 ourselves one day, even older, but in youth you don't envisage these times, often think love is just for the young. Oh well live and let live they will learn.

The first thing you should ask yourself is what type of girl you are, meaning, are you a person that falls in love easily, if so and it goes both ways in this instance, meaning he falls deeply for you, then yes you have to stop and consider what that 19 year gap entails. Today we are all healthier, care about our appearances etc, take a look at my picture, that is genuinely me as I am right now at the grand old age of 60. Time wise I think you would get a good few years with him before the age gap really showed up but remember that is only physically. A man today at 40 + are often attractive looking plus others will always envy them their beautiful younger woman. Also in society its more accepted when the man is older, but not the other way round, stares and frowns are giving to the older woman with the younger man - but then if the film stars can do it, why shouldn't the general public do it too.

With big age gaps between couples, I think the danger period comes when they are both older, say for example when your 45 he will be coming up 65, but again like I say, if he stays healthy and takes care of his body, believe me in ones sixties we are just as strong, lively and well as anyone else who takes care of themselves. But it is also a time when a woman at 45+ is reaching the menopause and it might suddenly make you feel your too old before your time simply because of his age. But the way I look at this, in all marriages when couples are either similar ages or there are age gaps, marriage these days is a gamble, real hard work to make it work. So any marriage is always at risk. Statistically there are many times in all marriages when they come under strain, when we have kids, when the kids leave home and leave the nest, and in retirement, suddenly the man is home all day under the woman's feet. So there is always chance and risk in any relationships and things we do in life.

OK all serious talk, but still take it on board, even though you right now do not know how your feelings will be, its wise to think ahead when your thinking about an older man. If he is a good decent charactered/personality guy, with that age gap he will always treat you like a princess, he will be more understanding, more ready to sit and listen to you, why? well simply because he is already a mature man - and there are lots of woman that find that attractive, simply because the man knows his own mind and has found his own niche in life. He knows where he is going, probably cos he is already there. Whilst with the younger men (and no disrespect meant), they are still finding themselves in life, careers, life style etc etc.

I say go for it, give it a go, if your genuinely both attracted to one another why not? take things as they come and see where it goes. Nothing done nothing gained, besides it would be an experience, and this guy has the money too to take you out in style. Certainly will treat and respect you as a woman because he has more maturity. Again I am not knocking younger men, they are lovely too, but this man has found his place in life now. Remember nothing ventured nothing gained. You will soon discover if he is good enough or not for you. He could turn out a rotter, wants a younger woman to pick up after him, be a bit of a slave etc, but I somehow doubt it. After all what ever ages we are none of us are perfect, but then that's what makes life fun.

Good Luck
2010-11-27 9:47 am
My husband is 20 years older than me as well :D. Age has never been a problem for us (we have been together for almost 3 years now).
I think you should give you and him a chance. If you guys get along well, don't give a sh*t about the rest of the world.
2010-11-27 9:42 am
Ok so the rest of these people see a problem with it. What about these undersexed grandma's they are calling "cougars" dating 19 & 20 year old guys. I just bet they call that erotic. Look if the guy is into you and you him, just go for it, it doesn't matter what *******age you are. You might just find a one of a kind guy who could fulfill your life. I guarantee he will treat you better then some little high schooler or early twenty something. 50% of these guys barely know what hole to use.
參考: Life lesson. Lol...i'm getting thumbs already...must be a few grannies I pissed off.
2010-11-27 9:56 am
OK, had to change my answer after I read your entire post. There will be a ton of challenges being with a guy his age. Does he have a family from his first wife? Do you really like spending time together? Does he really fill a need in your life? Do not sell yourself short. You can make it on your own. Then you can look hin up later. Good Luck =)
2010-11-27 9:43 am
Look, if you and him like each other that much then go for it.

You're 25, so you're not a kid and can make your own decisions. The thing most likely to make life difficult is if you find that you and he want different things out of life. An extreme example would be if you want to have children and he might not (already been there). Similarly, he probably won't want to go out clubbing, and might well feel awkward socialising with your friends.

Also, he might show signs of being interested but... well... He's going to be flattered if 25 year olds are after him! (it's the 25 year old man's dream come true, let alone the 44 year old). But whether he really would want to have a relationship with you is another question. Being only 5 years older than his daughter might well freak him out too. Try not to get too emotionally involved at this stage, but good luck with it.
2016-12-11 5:24 am
Dating Someone 20 Years Older
2016-09-28 3:36 pm
Dating A Man 20 Years Older
2016-04-23 1:29 am
If you want a boyfriend so bad, then I highly recommend following this Since you've never dated or been kissed before, it's going to be hard to get a boyfriend if you don't know what to do but once you know what to do, you'll be able to get a boyfriend pretty easily and can share your dating stories with your friends and experience those feelings yourself. You'll even be able to attract guys you might feel is out of your league. I suggest going on a bunch of dates before choosing one guy to be your boyfriend. Have fun.
2015-08-04 5:46 pm
Dating a man 20 years older?
I know, I know, If I am already asking questions about whether or not the relationship will work, it's not a good sign. But I have to ask someone who won't freak out when I tell them I am seriously interested in a man who is 44. My sister thinks it's fine as long as I am happy but she...
參考: dating man 20 years older:
2015-03-13 3:20 pm
I'm in a similar boat. Don't feel ashamed. I am a 24 yr old woman and am attracted to a 49 yr old man. He use to stop in my work occasionally. I didn't think anything of it, yet always thought he was handsome. It's similar to many youngsters finding George Clooney attractive for his age. At first, I was like what the heck am I doing, but then I embraced it because we are human and everyone has the right to be attracted or judge anyone of older or younger consent. I had also just got out of a 3.5 yr relationship. Maturity must play a big role and love should never have a limit. It's worth a shot, yet if you don't feel comfortable...just be friends to test out the surface. We are just friends as I do not feel comfortable with his daughters close to my age, plus I want my own kid, and I am not ready to enter a new relationship at the moment. But I say, there is nothing wrong with experimenting--in any way ;)

And it is not a cradle robber if both consent! In all, its your choice, but think about the pros and cons.

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