What ever happened to Hermione's cat Crookshanks?

2010-11-27 9:25 am
I like Harry Potter a lot and I've read all the books and everything, but I just haven't read them in awhile. Crookshanks is only in the 3rd movie and I just wanted to know more of what happened to him.

回答 (2)

2010-11-27 9:36 am
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Actually, no one knows what happened to Crookshanks. He came to stay at The Burrow for Bill and Fleur's wedding in the 7th book, but Hermione left with Harry and Ron after the wedding reception was interrupted by Death Eaters

It is unknown what happened to Crookshanks while Hermione was searching for Horcruxes with Harry and Ron, or if they were ever reunited.

So we don't really know! I'm going to assume that Crookshanks remained at the Burrow, and after the war was over, Hermione took him back.
參考: For more Crookshanks information, check out this page - http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Crookshanks
2010-11-30 2:37 am
No one truly knows what happened to Crookshanks. It was mentioned in "Deathly Hallows" that he came to the Burrow with Hermione (while she is sorting books in Ron's room Crookshanks is sitting at her feet). But since she left the Burrow in a hurry with Ron and Harry it is most likely that Crookshanks remained behind (unless of course hermione put him in her beaded bag and J.K Rowling forgot to mention this part). He may have possibly remained at Ron's house untill Hermione returned for him or he may have escaped during the time Hermione was gone.

Crookshanks was also briefly in 'Order of the Phoenix" movie. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny are standing at the top of the stairs in listening through and extendable ear and Crookshanks comes over and begins to tugg on on. He eventually rips the ear from the cord and runs from the hallway. Hermione says "Bad Crookshanks!" and Ron replies "Hermione, I hate your cat."
參考: Read all the books && seen all the movies:)
2015-08-04 6:28 pm
What ever happened to Hermione's cat Crookshanks?
I like Harry Potter a lot and I've read all the books and everything, but I just haven't read them in awhile. Crookshanks is only in the 3rd movie and I just wanted to know more of what happened to him.
2016-10-07 3:02 pm
Hermione Cat
2010-11-27 10:18 am
Shes still there
but not relevant in the story
2010-11-27 9:42 am
he is there in all the parts ALIVE!
參考: hermione granger!!!!
2010-11-27 9:33 am
He's another casualty of the final war, as I recall.
參考: Read HP books, seen all movies so far

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