a lot of = a mountain of???仲有冇

2010-11-28 6:55 am
我想學多d 型容''好多''既字

我見得最多係 a lot of ,呢個可唔可以當做many既同義詞??

a mountain of = a lot of??

如果係=,咁有lots of,又有冇mountains of 呢??


回答 (4)

2010-11-28 10:00 pm


2010-11-28 7:42 pm
a lot of 可用於countable/ uncountable nouns;many只可用於countable nouns
a great deal of 可和 a lot of 相替用, 但只可用於uncountable nouns.
plenty of 可和 a lot of相替用, 可用於countable及uncountable nouns.
未聽過a mountain of.
2010-11-28 7:34 am
plentiful = abundent =enough
2010-11-28 7:15 am
If you want to tell other there are many mountain you can also say
there are numerous of mountain.

*Numerous of =many of something*

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