(一題) 英文選擇題

2010-11-27 6:57 am
An illegal market in transplants _______ hospitals, doctors and health officials.

(a) invovlves
(b) involving
(c) involved

答案應該是... 謝謝!!

(a) 應該係 involves 打錯左 sorry

回答 (4)

2010-11-27 1:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Answer 是: (a) involves.

(b) involving 是錯誤, 單是 Present participle 不可能做 main verb, 要加 auxiliary verb (helping verb) e.g. is/was/will be + involving. 但 involve不適宜用 continuous tense.

(c) involved是past tense, 這句子不是說以前發生事, 是一句 statement of fact. 應該用 Present Simple Tense. 除非前面引言描述以前發生事件.

這句子 subject 是 market, 不是 transplants, singular noun 用 singular verb. Market是 third person singular, 選擇 (a) involves 才對
2010-11-27 10:20 pm
The answear submitted by 003, Godfrey is good and correct. It seems to me,
however, ' An illegal market in transplants' is a noun phrase which, equally
though, calls for a singular verb.
2010-11-27 12:32 pm


2010-11-27 7:16 am
ans is a b involving

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