
2010-11-26 3:31 am
點解科學家話生物肯定需要水黎生存??其實呢D野係根據環境而推出黎..可能未必係呢?? 就好似人類需要氧氣,可能有D生物係唔需要氧氣(不過我地唔知),正正因為地球有氧氣同其他環境因素先造就到今時今日既各種生物


回答 (3)

2010-11-26 1:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案

像古細菌 (Archaea) 能生活在其他礦物,並不需要氧氣 (像那些在熱液噴口(hydrothermal vent) 附近生活的)。Archaea 可以生活在世界上最極端的條件和環境的地方。古細菌是單細胞微生物,就像細菌。然而,他們有一個更簡單的組成,並比細菌通過向更高了進化鏈。除了古菌,也有一些孢子仍然是可行的,可以存儲在多年後沒有水的環境中。但它仍然不能永遠存放在乾燥的環境中。科學家說,微生物可以生活在太空和流星,但我不知道這些微生物的生活方式。


It is because organisms are mostly made of water. Human and other animal use water to break down glucose, which is converted to energy. Water has the ability to control temperature. That means it absorb energy when it is hot and release energy when it is cold. Such temperature control allow water to remind fluid in our body through wide ranges of temperature. And allow our body to function properly since enzymes in our body works in a specific temperature range. The fluid component in your body also allow space between organs. It can work as protection in come cases. For example, if you hit your head, the water help absorb some of the shock. But of course your skulk is the one that is the main protecting component. (Water still have a lot of benefit and usage, if you need more information please do more research.)

There are organisms like the archaea that can live on other mineral and does not require oxygen (like those living around hydrothermal vent). Some archaea can live in the world's most extreme condition and environment. Archaea are single cell organism much like bacteria. However, they have a even less complex made up and is through to be higher up the evolutionary chain than bacteria. Besides from Archaea, there are some spores that can still be viable after being store in an environment without water for many years. Scientists say that microorganism can live in space and in meteoroid, but I don't know how those organism lives.

2010-12-03 7:00 pm

P.S. 水是生物體很多化學反應、運輸物質的媒介,
2010-11-26 5:22 am

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