Phone problem.

2010-11-23 10:54 am

回答 (3)

2010-11-23 12:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Make sure that the phone you are using has long distance service (domestic).

2. Dial 1 and area code with the phone number.

For example, you want to dial 123-4567 at New York (212). Then you will dial 12121234567.

Please make sure that the area code is correct (as Canada shares the same country code). So by dialing a wrong area code may make your call from Domestic long distance to IDD.
2010-11-27 8:14 pm
1 + area code + 電話號碼


2010-11-23 11:35 am
好簡單, 只要响要打嘅電話號碼前加 1 字.

1 + area code + 電話號碼

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