[[急]可5可以教我改返d gammer mistake?

2010-11-23 8:18 am
Hong Kong is the international and civilized city everything seem better. In fact, since the beginning of time the society has sex discrimination problem. In the history, the woman’s rights have lower but these day the woman’s with more and more women speaking out, some advocates argue that women are also qualified to take on the important position. On than other hard, male have sexist problems on society, their work and their life.
The society set up many departments to care about the woman on the contrary but on the male side is indifference. Are you remembering day of March of 8? This is the International Working Women's Day to celebrate the lady. According to the newspaper Ngong Ping 360 company in this festive provide the first 3,800 woman’s passages to be free road on a cable car. How about the male right, they are useless in Hong Kong? In fact, the male do many contribution for our society but we thing this is deservedly. Some TV show only invited the woman, for example, Mr. Hong.These are show mela not be imporant in our society. Secondly, the male in their careen and work was unfair treatment. On our history male always take on the decide and management leaves jobs .As treatment of female and male have changed with time, most female to replace the male work in the important department such as Principal Officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have many staff member is female, for example, Mrs. Rita Lau Ng Wai-lan, Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor and so on. This situation is lead to the sadly results. Also many works employ requests of the staff member must be female, for instance, the women clothes sale, kindergarten teachers, etc.. In this society the male to apply jobs is different. Moreover, the employer usually label the male able is highly it is unfair because if the male have a bit of mistake they punish, ever will be fire.

In the daily life, the male have some unfair problem. Most the male in their family is the economical mainstay .Once up the male lost them work, they maybe need to do the housework or take the child this such as the women job but other people will think these male is useless ,


to come across this situation male can’t bear this. But no one can help them because the social only focus the female. Moverove in the social the government a policy for house medical treatment、houses and so on policy than forces the on female .


The male rights and interests can’t be protect.Also the other people will think the male should hard work in the daily life ,for example, the mela should have prower energy and they can solve the different problem than they can’t doing will be seem as useless.


These are will make many social prolem about the mela.

回答 (2)

2010-11-25 1:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
    Hong Kong is an international and civilized city. Everything seems to get better. In early time there was sex discrimination problem in the society. The women’s rights had been neglected but more and more women have stood up for themselves these days. Some advocates argue that women are also well  qualified to take on the important positions. On the other hand, men have been plagued with sexist problems in society, in their work and in their life.    Firstly, government and other organizations set up many departments to protect the women. On the contrary, the situation for men is different.  Do you know this day, the 8th of March? This is the International Women's Day. It is a major day of global celebration of women. According to the newspaper, Ngong Ping 360 Company provides free rides on cable cars for the first 3,800 female passengers on this particular day. How about the men’s rights? Do they become less important in Hong Kong ? In fact, men make many contributions for our society (1. so they deserve recognition as well. 2. but we take it for granted.)  Some TV shows only invite the woman guest, for example, Mr. Hong.  Secondly, men are treated unfairly in their work.  In ancient time men always took on the decision and management level jobs .As treatment of female and male have been interchanged over time, many posts in the government departments have been replaced with women. There are many female Principal Officials in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, for example, Mrs.Rita Lau Ng Wai-lan, Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor and so on. This situation is leading to unintended results. Also many jobs are exclusively available for female, for instance, the women clothes salespersons, kindergarten teachers,etc. In this society the men who like to apply for these jobs are different. Moreover, the employers usually expect the male have greater ability. Men will be punished or even fired if they make little mistake.

2010-11-25 06:00:45 補充:
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2010-11-24 5:50 am
Hong Kong is an international and civilized city. Everything seem to be getting better. In early time, there was sex discrimination problem in the society. Woman’s rights had been neglected but more and more women have stood up for themselves these day. Some advocates argue that women have qualified to take on the important position. On than other hand, males are under sexist problems on society, their work and their life. There are more and more organization being set up to protect women, while on the contrary, the situation for men is just the opposite. Do you have any idea about the day 8 of March ? This is the International Working Women's Day. According to newspaper, Ngong Ping 360 company is going to provide free rides for the first 3,800 female passengers. How about male rights, they are becoming less important in Hong Kong? In fact, the male have many contribution for our society but we thing it is deserved. Some TV show only invite woman, for example, Mr. Hong.

Secondly, the male are treated unfair in their work. In ancient time, male took on the decision and management level jobs. As treatment of female and male have been interchanged with time, many post in the government department have been replaced by female.There are many female Principal Officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, for example, Mrs. Rita Lau Ng Wai-lan, Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor and so on. This situation is leading to the sad results. Moreover, many jobs employ only of female staff, for instance, the women's clothes staff, kindergarten teachers, etc.. In this society the male to apply jobs is different. Moreover, employers usually are expecting male staff to have higher ability so that they will be punished or even fired if they have little mistake.

hope it can help you!
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