英文功課English 明天交!

2010-11-23 3:43 am
A. Use the '-ing' forms as adjectives to describe the following.
1.Horror films___ 2.Computer games___ 3.English lessons___ 4.Football___ 5.Small children___ 6.Road accident___ 7.Jogging___ 8.Pop musci___

B. Use the '-ed' forms as adjectives to describe your feeling.
1.If you were driving a car and you were stopped by the police_____
2.If you got an unexpected parcel in the post_____
3.If you heard that you and won a lot of money in a competiton_____
4.If you broke your leg and were in hospital for three weeks_____
5.If you woke up the night and heard burglars in the house_____

C. Complete the conversation below using the '-ing' forms or '-ed' forms of the verbs in brackets.
1.a. Ann was___.She had nothing to do .(bore)
b.She had a book to read but it was very___.
2.a.I enjoyed out visit to the museum.It was really___(interest)
b.I like swimming but I'm not___in jogging.
3.a.I didn't enjoy the film very much.The dinosaurs were too___(terify)
b.The whole house was on fire.We were all___
4.a.Three are far too many accidents on the roads.It's very___(worry)
b.I thought we were lost.I was really___

幫我做.可以用中文解釋一下這些東西是甚麼嗎?如何做?N多條不打了= =

回答 (2)

2010-11-23 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
A PART是用動詞來形容他們
2010-11-29 12:34 am
A.使用,'-ing' 作為形容詞來描述下列形式。
1.恐怖 films___ 2.電腦 games___ 3.英語 lessons___ 4.Football___ 5.小 children___ 6.道 accident___ 7.Jogging___ 8.流行 musci___B.使用了 '-版 ' 的表單為形容詞來描述你的感覺。
3.如果您聽說您,並贏得了很多的錢在一個 competiton_____
4.如果你的腿摔斷了,在醫院的三個 weeks_____
5.如果你晚上醒來,並聽取了竊賊中,house_____C.完成以下使用會話,'-ing 形式或 '-版 ' 括弧內動詞的形式。
1.a。 安 was___.She 已無事可做。(孔)
b.She 了一本書讀,但它是 very___。
2.a.I,museum.It 訪問享有是 really___(interest)
b.I 喜歡游泳,但我是 not___in 慢跑。
3.a.I 不喜歡這部電影很深刻恐龍是 too___(terify)
整個房子的信件是 fire.We,all___
4.a.Three 是 roads.It 的 very___(worry) 太多意外
b.I 還以為我們是 lost.I 是 really___

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