CH2同CH3有咩特性 ?

2010-11-22 7:56 am
有冇人可以話我知CH2 同 CH3有咩特性, 例如易燃...等等
同佢地對人體有冇害 ??

回答 (2)

2010-11-23 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
CH2 is unstable compound, very easy to compose.
CH3 is well known as methyl group, cannot exist independently. It had to 'stick' to the carbons in alkanes or alkenes.

2010-11-26 22:21:49 補充:
CH3 can also be a positive ion called carbenium ion.
2010-11-25 7:42 pm
wrong question
please ask again

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