
2010-11-21 9:20 pm

回答 (6)

2010-11-21 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I just watched a movie relevant to my work. After watching the movie,
I seem to underestimate the dangers and the potential risks of my work.
I am afraid that some plots in the movie may happen to me.

Hope you find it useful.
2010-11-22 3:13 am
I have just finished a movie about my work, from the movie, I think I underestimated the risk of my job and potential risks, I am afraid I will like a movie plot where the action takes place in me
2010-11-22 2:19 am
I've just finished a film about my work, from the film, I think I underestimated my work hazards and latent risks, I am afraid that we would like the film plot plot happen to me .
2010-11-22 12:38 am
I just finished watching a set of movie with works concerning me, from the movie, I thought that I underrated the risk and delitescence risk that I worked, I perhaps will be like movie bridge segment in of details occurrence is on me
2010-11-21 9:34 pm
I just finished watching a set of movie with works concerning me.From the movie, I think that I underrated the risk and delitescence risk that I work, I perhaps would be like movie bridged segment in of details occurrence is on me.
2010-11-21 9:27 pm
I just looked a set concerns the movie which I work, from the movie, I thought that I had underestimated I work perhaps the risk and the ambush risk, I will look like in the movie bridge section the plot to occur on my body
參考: yahoo!聰明筆

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