
2010-11-21 7:49 am
故事簡介: 就讀哈佛大學的朱克伯格,不忿被女友狠心拋棄,憤然將大學內聯網內的女生相片上載,令其女友被全校男生評頭品足——這個被稱為Facemash的網站,便是Facebook的前身。雖然幾乎被校方踢出校,但朱克伯格在好友Eduardo Saverin的幫助下,矢志在網絡上創一番事業,令會員人數急速攀升,業務更推廣到世界各地的大學學院。名成利就結果招來嫉妒,在Napster創辦人Sean Parker的賞識下,Facebook在矽谷立足的同時,手足之間開始出現分歧拆夥,最後更鬧上法庭……影片描寫Mark身在一群人當中,卻跟孤獨無異。用以建構社交網絡的面書,是由孤獨建成。Mark由無名之輩,變成人人都俯首稱臣的億萬巨富,當日的憤慨變成了今日的偉業。他無意傷害其他人,卻刺透身邊人的心。別人從他成立的面書建立綿密的人際網絡,自己卻是得到眾叛親離、孑然一身的下場。
或許就如電影《社交網絡》所言,面書的重點,是「狀態」那一欄,當一個人從「單身」變成「交往中」,哪管你是大人物,還是寂寂無聞之輩,即使平時所發表的沒啥人「讚好」,光是這一個舉動就能讓你「翻身」,數十「讚好」是必然,過百個也不用驚奇;相反,即使你平日在網上如何抱怨、慨嘆,當「狀態」由「交往中」變成「單身」,所有充滿關愛的慰問之詞就如雪花湧至。面書的誕生,不是從甚麼偉大的理想開始,它只是一個拼命想得到認同的學生用以發洩內心的不忿,最終變為一個市值二百五十億美元的商業堡壘,卻是一個美麗的意外。 促成面書的誕生,只有四個原因。第一,創辦人Mark被女友撇了;第二,Mark的摰友Eduardo入了「尊貴」的祕密會社;第三,Mark的社交生活不如其他同儕般多姿多采;第四,他想與別不同。Mark看穿了人性,看透了世事,得知人人跟自己一樣,都想得到注意,都想分享一切。對他來說,錢或許不重要,最重要的是「我做的大業能令別人對我另眼相看」。本片卻借題發揮最熱門的社交網站也是由孤獨建成,當面書愈來愈壯大,對社會的反諷性也成正比。Mark要所有人都用自己成立的面書來建構社交網絡,即使自己是當中最孤獨的一個,但他卻令全世界的人跟自己共舞,最後贏得了五億個「朋友」。

回答 (3)

2010-11-28 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Attended Harvard University, Zhu Kebo grid, unconvinced by his girlfriend abandoned cruel, stormed the university Intranet upload photos of girls, school boys make it his girlfriend was the first product evaluation feet - this is called Facemash site, Facebook is the predecessor. Although the school was almost kicked out of school, but Zhu Kebo Eduardo Saverin cell in the help of friends, determined to a career on the network, so that the rapid rise in membership, the business also extended to University College from around the world. Reaping the results were provoke envy, in the Napster founder Sean Parker under appreciated, Facebook, while based in Silicon Valley, hand-foot differences between the falling out began, and eventually taken to court ... ... Video description Mark are in a group of people among but with the same loneliness. To construct a face book social network is built by the lonely. Mark by a bunch of nobodies, into hundreds of millions of everyone to bow wealthy, today's the day into the great cause of anger. He did not intend harm to others, but pierce the hearts of people around. Others set up face book from his tight-knit network of people to establish themselves is get deserted, all alone in the end.

Perhaps as the film "social network" said, face the focus of the book is the "status" field, when a person from the "single" to "contacts", which cares if you are big man, or knowing about obscure the generation, Even if nothing were usually published in "Like", just this one move can make you "stand up" dozens "Like" is inevitable, over a hundred would not have surprised; the contrary, even if you normally online how to complain, lament, when the "state" from the "contacts" into "single", all caring words of sympathy as snow influx.


2010-11-27 18:33:31 補充:
其實你上http://translate.google.com.hk/# 查都得.
2010-11-27 6:31 pm
Goes study Harvard University's Zuker Bergh, the indignation is not abandoned cruel-heartedly by the girlfriend, uploads angrily the university intranet's in female student photograph, makes its girlfriend to make remarks about a woman's appearance this by the entire school male student to be called Facemash the website, is the Facebook predecessor. Although is kicked nearly by the school authorities leaves school but Zuker Bergh under the good friend Eduardo Saverin help, vows in the network creates the enterprise, makes the member population to climb rapidly, the service promotes to the world's the University institute. Cheng Li draws on the envy on the result, under the Napster foundation member Sean Parker recognition, Facebook which bases while the Silicon Valley, between the hand and foot starts to present the difference to break up a partnership, finally is noisier on the court ......The movie describes the Mark body in the middle of group of people, actually with lonely not different. With constructs the public relations network the surface book, is by completes lonely. Mark by the Generation turns trillion multimillionaires who everybody bowed the head to profess allegiance, the same day's indignation turned today's cause. He has no intention to injure other people, actually punctures thoroughly personal maidservant's heart. Others surface book establishment thorough interpersonal network which establishes from him, oneself are actually the fate which obtains is deserted by friends and allies, is alone in the world. Perhaps "Public relations Network" says on like the movie, the surface book's key point, is “the condition” that fence, when a personfrom“unmarried” turns “in the contact”, which manages you are a great person, unknown generation, even if usually publishes what person “hasn't approved well”, the light is this action can let you “the turning over”, dozens of “approve well” is inevitable, hundred have not used surprisedly;
2010-11-22 3:33 am
Attended Harvard University, Zhu Kebo grid, unconvinced by his girlfriend abandoned cruel, stormed the university Intranet upload photos of girls, boys school assessment ordered his girlfriend was the first product enough - this is called Facemash site, Facebook is the predecessor. Although the school was almost kicked out of school, but Zhu Kebo Eduardo Saverin cell in the help of friends, determined to a career on the network, so that the rapid rise in membership, the business also extended to University College from around the world.Reaping the results were provoke envy, in the Napster founder Sean Parker under appreciated, Facebook, while based in Silicon Valley, hand-foot differences between the falling out began, and eventually taken to court ... ... Video description Mark are in a group of people among but with the same loneliness. To construct a face book social network is built by the lonely. Mark by a bunch of nobodies, into hundreds of millions of everyone to bow wealthy, today's the day into the great cause of anger. He did not intend harm to others, but pierce the hearts of people around. Others set up face book from his tight-knit network of personal connections established, but it is by their own deserted, all alone in the end.
Perhaps as the film "social network" said, face the focus of the book is the "status" field, when a person from the "single" to "contacts", which cares if you are big man, or knowing about obscure the generation, Even if nothing were usually published in "Like", just this one move can make you "stand up" dozens "Like" is inevitable, over a hundred do not have to wonder;

2010-11-21 19:35:29 補充:
On the contrary, even if you normally online how to complain, lament, when the "state" from the "contacts" into "single", all caring words of sympathy as snow influx.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:39:26
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