English grammar- already did!?

2010-11-21 4:31 am
English: Why someone said 'already did' not 'have already done'!? What's the difference??'already known' or 'already knew' or 'already know' about it!?

回答 (4)

2010-11-21 2:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Already is an adverb meaning "prior to some implied time". it does not affect the tense of the original sentence.

For example, your mom asks whether you are done with your homework. Your answer may be:

I already finished it two days ago. (This was a completed event from a while back, and so you use simple past tense.)

I have already finished it. (This means that within the past hour or so, you finished your homework.)

I am already working on it. (You started working on your homework before your mom asked the question, but you are still in progress.)

2010-11-21 12:09 pm
It's quite common to use "already" with simple past tense in spoken English. But I strongly advise you to use it with the perfect tense in written English.

To answer your question: these two expressions bare the same meaning.

2010-11-21 04:11:50 補充:
Ooops, homophone *bear*, not bare =P
2010-11-21 8:56 am
唔係見到already就一定係跟present prefect tense既 要睇下成句句子既意思架
2010-11-21 7:52 am



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