想問呢段片內容講 d 咩 ?

2010-11-20 10:26 pm

謝 ~

回答 (1)

2010-12-01 5:59 am
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1.I'm worried about my personal information online.我擔心我線上嘅個人資料。I deleted my facebook account a few years ago and I turned back on. 我幾年前刪咗我嘅facebook賬戶,e+我又翻去。I just try to open up a new one. 我只係想新開一個賬戶。Few years later and every single thing is still on my facebook page.但係,咁多年過去,當年嘅一點一滴仲係我嘅facebook頁面上。

2.I think that the place...there is not enough control over pornographic sites. 我感覺互聯網上對於黃色網站嘅控制不夠。Like I have a young sister and she always sees like pornographic movies coming, poping up her face. I think that's the main problem of the internet.我個細妹,佢成日睇到d咸片突然之間出現係佢面前。
Q: So it's less about what information you're putting out there and more about the information that you're getting fed?所以,相對於你上傳嘅信息,你得到嘅信息更重要?
A: Yeah. I think so.係嘅,我係咁諗嘅

3.We have a choice whether or not to put our information out there. 我d可以決定是否將我d嘅信息放係網度。It's up to the individual to make that choice.呢個決定取決於個人。 Facebook is not.而唔係Facebook。 And other internet services are not essential to life as much as, you know, we might feel they are.而其他嘅網路服務對於生活冇我d感覺嘅咁重要

4.I'm not a hacker. 我唔係d咩黑客。I'm not gonna take anybody's information and try to access their bank accounts or try to make false identification. 我唔會偷人d嘅信息或登錄佢d嘅銀行賬戶或製造假身份。But people will do that.但係有人咁做 So, and I noticed. 我注意到了

5. I notice a lot of important cases and regulations coming out governing all that works.(呢句說話嘅開頭我冇聽清楚)我注意到好多重要嘅案件同埋規定出台來管理
Q: Is that just a natural progression of the way things go?呢個只係事情發展嘅自然過程?
A: Yeah. Anything new in the world. That's would always happens.係嘅。世界上所有嘅嘢都係咁嘅。總係呢樣
Q: So this is kind of like wild west of the internet right now we're going through?所以e+即係網路嘅狂野西部時代(我嘅理解係原始、牙煙)
A: I think so. Yep.我係咁樣認為嘅,係嘅。
Q: It will come down just the way it usually does?佢會慢慢恢復好似往常果樣?
A: I think so. You know, first the government will get involved. It will cost more, but other than that...我係咁認為嘅。首先政府介入,呢樣會使更多錢,但係除此之外都好

2010-11-30 22:03:55 補充:
2有句漏翻。 I think that's the main problem of the internet

2010-11-30 22:05:12 補充:

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