acc- manufacturing

2010-11-20 7:30 am
PLS 幫幫忙 我計唔到!

abel company's manufacturing overhead is 20% of its total conversion costs.
if direct labor is $38000 and if direct materials are $47000,calculate the
manufacturing overhead?

回答 (1)

2010-11-21 4:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ans. Total Conversion Costs = Direct Labor + Direct Materials + Manufacturing Overhead If Direct Labor + Direct Materials = $38,000 + $47, 000 = $85,000; and that Direct Labor + Direct Materials = 80% of Total Conversion Costs, so that0.8 : $85,000 = 0.2 : Manufacturing Overhead Manufacturing Overhead = 0.2 x $85,000 /0.8 = $21,250
參考: 小魚

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:09:49
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