what is the ascendant?

2010-11-18 9:28 am
East point (EP) is sagittarius but Asc is scorpio, is the real ascendant goes to scorpio? what is the difference between East point and ascendant? Thank You~

回答 (2)

2010-11-18 12:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
* I've never heard of EP in a chart. If it says the Asc is Scorpio, I would just go with that. The Ascendant is the sign that was on the horizon at the time you were born. This had a determining factor in your appearance, especially if there are planets conjunct the Asc. The Asc also describes how you view the world, what your basic attitude toward the world is. Also this is the first impression you give to others who do not know you. This is not a face you purposely put on, it is the feeling others get from you. With Scorpio here in your chart, your basic view of the world is one of a skeptic. You need to observe and judge others before you open up to them about yourself. You do not reveal your private information until you know for sure that they can be trusted. Others see you as intense, somewhat mysterious, even intimidating.
2010-11-18 8:47 pm
If asc is Scorpio then it is west north

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