Do You believe there's an afterlife?

2010-11-18 8:44 am

回答 (25)

2010-11-18 9:08 am
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Yes I do, in a very real sense of the word. I'm a Christian who also believes in reincarnation. Not into the future. Into the past. Scripture points to it. It's referred to as 'Being gathered unto the people'. At least that's what I get out of it, when it refers to it. 'As you sow, so shall you reap'. Karma, simply put. I know, I'm a weird Christian. 'Blessed is he who condemneth not himself, in that which he alloweth'. Sometimes we make mistakes. I can live with my shortcomings. Pobodys Nerfect. It's cool.
參考: KJV
2010-11-18 6:18 pm
No. Humans are a species in a seemingly unique position, in that we are aware of the inevitability of our own deaths while still having the basic animal instinct for self preservation. I would think that the logical response to that paradox is to invent the belief in life after death.
2010-11-18 4:47 pm
Yep... I believe that there's a heaven. I'm a Christian...
2010-11-18 4:47 pm
I believe we are going to be eating by worms and other disgusting insects.
2010-11-18 4:45 pm the spirit realm..
2010-11-18 4:45 pm
2010-11-18 4:44 pm
2010-11-18 4:46 pm
With an angel like you walking around ..there just has to be a heaven =]
參考: lol fail...
2010-11-21 6:41 am
yes. well I hope there is one.
參考: ♥ME
2010-11-18 7:18 pm
2010-11-18 4:53 pm
Yada, playing cello.
2010-11-18 4:51 pm
No, but if there was I wouldn't care, I think the idea of heaven and hell was created to put fear into the weak minded.
But if there is I hope its like bleach.
參考: For all u know this is heaven or hell. . . . I`m gonna put my money on Hell.
2010-11-18 4:51 pm
Yes, I have firm belief in it.
2010-11-18 4:49 pm
No I don't believe in supernatural things like that sorry. But there is a strong possibility of ghosts in the world. Also, if ghosts go into the light when they choose, it doesn't add up with when you die, you will go straight to heaven for judgment day. That's one reason why I don't believe in a God. They just don't add up. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I am entitled to my own opinion.
2010-11-18 4:48 pm
maybe, pre life, post life, this life, that life.... all I know is I'm alive right now and so who's to say it can't be possible?
2010-11-18 4:48 pm
Another after this one, then another, then another....
2010-11-18 4:48 pm
Yes. I feel there are too many things happening to people (ghosts, ect) for there not to be.

Not all of those experiences can be mere coincidences or hoaxes.
2010-11-18 4:48 pm
2010-11-18 4:48 pm
Do you believe that your mind can just switch for ever? There must be something! I believe in God but not everyone else does but what I also believe in intelliegence and we have an abundance of it, even though some of us choose not to use it.
參考: Life
2010-11-18 4:47 pm
yes I do :)
2010-11-18 4:47 pm
2010-11-18 4:46 pm
I think there is, but I wish there wasn't. Life sucks, here or else where.
2010-11-18 4:46 pm
I'd like to, yes. I can't bear the thought of just rotting in the ground. I hope it's not like just sleeping forever.
2010-11-18 4:46 pm
Eternity would be pretty boring if it was just nothing.....I hope there is.

Or else, let our souls rest.
2010-11-18 4:45 pm
Yes I do,

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