2010-11-18 7:37 pm
We have already admissive the L/C to the bank on 6/6/2008, expect the payment will reach a/c within next month.

(6/6/08 L/C 已入了銀行, 相信下個月會收到錢)

英文寫法一正確嗎 ?

回答 (5)

2010-11-18 9:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(6/6/08 L/C 已入了銀行, 相信下個月會收到錢)

因為已寫明日期, 所以要用簡單過去式, 提議:

We submitted the L/C to bank on 6/6/2008. You should expect the payment to arrive in a month's time.

The L/C was submitted to bank on 6/6/2008, you should expect to receive the money in a month's time.
2011-04-22 12:17 am
發問者和所謂最佳回答者, 皆沒有與L/C相當的基本知識!!

2011-04-21 16:18:55 補充:
相當------> 相關
2010-11-22 7:13 am
正確程序是説交單入銀行。當然L/C 要交給銀行,但主要是交LC內提及的之文件 such as bill of lading, invoice 等

We have already submitted the documents stipulated in the LC on 6/6/2008 and expect that the payment will be credited into our A/C within next month.
2010-11-19 1:15 am
6/6/08 L/C 已入了銀行, 相信下個月會收到錢)

The document against LC has been submitted to bank since 6/6/2008. We expect to receive payment next month.

Date was backdated to 2008 so please correct it .
2010-11-19 12:39 am
乜唔係問寫得岩唔岩咩?Hongkong Stock 果個答案好似怪左D-.-

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