eng questions

2010-11-18 2:04 am
1.He ran (run) quickly to help and finally caught the robber.

點解係ran唔係was running?

2. The accident was caused by the carelessness of a lorry driver who drove(drive) at high speed.

點解係drove唔係was driving?

3.The pollution problem in Hong Kong is(be) quite serious.

點解係is唔係has been?

4. It is estimated that many of the students will be unable to pay the fees and they will need(need) to quit their students.

點解係will need,唔係need?

5.We will hold( hold) a meeting with the Principal next Monday in order to discuss the problem of the rise of school fees.

點解係will hold,唔可以are going to hold?

6. When we got(get) to the Bus Terminus, the queue was so long that we wondered when we could reach our destination.

點解係got,唔係was getting?

7.However, reading textbooks and reference books is(be) a must for students to gain more knowledge.


8.They were invented about a hundred years ago, but since then, many achievements have been made in the field of aeronautics, resulting in the fact that air travel has become (become) a common activity.

點解係has become,唔係become?
因為in fact係用present tense.....


回答 (1)

2010-11-27 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.He ran (run) quickly to help and finally caught the robber.

點解係ran唔係was running?

因為was running 是指走的時間中所發生的事。但caught是指run已stop。所以不用continous tense.

2. The accident was caused by the carelessness of a lorry driver who drove(drive) at high speed.

點解係drove唔係was driving?
同1問題一樣, 用was driving是指driving這段時間內發生的一件事,如car collision撞車,但上面只是形告該accident發生的原因。
The driver saw an accident when he was driving on the highway.

3.The pollution problem in Hong Kong is(be) quite serious.

點解係is唔係has been?

is 指在現時的情況.但has been 是指過去至到這一刻

4. It is estimated that many of the students will be unable to pay the fees and they will need(need) to quit their students.

點解係will need,唔係need?


5.We will hold( hold) a meeting with the Principal next Monday in order to discuss the problem of the rise of school fees.

點解係will hold,唔可以are going to hold?

用will hold 比較肯定會開會, 用are going to無那麼肯定

6. When we got(get) to the Bus Terminus, the queue was so long that we wondered when we could reach our destination.

點解係got,唔係was getting?


7.However, reading textbooks and reference books is(be) a must for students to gain more knowledge.


因subject is " reading ",不是books. Reading 是singular

8.They were invented about a hundred years ago, but since then, many achievements have been made in the field of aeronautics, resulting in the fact that air travel has become (become) a common activity.

點解係has become,唔係become?
因為in fact係用present tense.....

用has become是因為invention是一百年前已有,要講出由invention開始至現在要用present participle.

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