
2010-11-17 5:58 am
我看不懂這段法庭判決的英文, 不知有否網上朋友可否翻譯一下, 等我知下一步應該怎樣做 --

TANG HIN TONG, a girl, be granted to the Petitioner with reasonable access to the
Respondent and IT IS DIRECTED that the said children be not removed from Hong
Kong without leave until they attains the age of 18 years but provided that if either parent
do give a general written undertaking to the Court to return the said children to Hong
Kong when called upon to do so, and unless otherwise directed with the written consent
of the other parent, that parent may remove the said children from Hong Kong for any
period specified in such written consent.

回答 (3)

2010-11-17 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我唔逐句逐句譯嘞. 我將佢化成法庭一貫常用中文判詞咁寫, 你會易明d. 法庭現頒令女孩Tang Hin Tong 之撫養權歸申訴人, 答辯人可享有合理之探望權. 法庭再頒令上述女孩不能在未得法庭批准之情況下被帶離香港, 直至上述女孩18歲為止. 但若父 / 母親任何一方能向法庭書面承諾在法庭命令下會將上述女孩帶回香港, 及得到另一方父 / 母親之書面同意, 便可將上述女孩帶離香港一段不長過同意書內列明之時間.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2010-11-17 7:22 pm
俊南 ( 小學級 5 級 )
wth duno ?? 唔明c",) ??
2010-11-17 6:37 am
香港沒有離開,直到他們年滿 18歲的年齡,但規定,如果父母一方

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