
2010-11-17 5:24 am




大嶼山亦稱大溪山、大姨山、大崳山、大魚山、大漁山、屯門島及爛頭島。[1] [2]大嶼山的英文名「Lantau」正是粵語「爛頭」的音譯。雖然「嶼」字的廣東話正音同「罪」(zeoi6),但「大嶼山」則讀成「魚」(yu4)。這是因為大嶼山舊名「大魚」、「大漁」、「大俞」等,皆是「魚」音,「大嶼山」一名是從清朝道光年間才開始的官方名稱。


區域: 離島區、荃灣區
面積: 144平方公里
郊野公園: 北大嶼郊野公園、南大嶼郊野公園
建築或設施: 天壇大佛、寶蓮寺、昂坪360、香港迪士尼樂園、蔴埔坪監獄、石壁水塘、石壁監獄等等
島內海灣及地方: 梅窩、貝澳、芝麻灣半島、長沙、塘福、水口、石壁、分流、二澳、昂坪、羗山、深屈、沙螺灣、東涌、鳳凰山、大東山、愉景灣、陰澳、竹篙灣

回答 (3)

2010-11-17 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Located on the southwestern part of Hong Kong waters, Lantau Island with a size of 144 square km is the biggest island of the SAR and is 84% bigger than Hong Kong Island itself. It is otherwise known as Dahao Island by mainland China which sees it as a part of the Wanshan group of islands. Adminstratively speaking, most of the island is part of the Outlying Islands District but its northeastern part which includes locations like Yam O, Chuk Ko Bay and Kap Sui Mun is part of Tsuen Wan District.

With its remote location and limited tranportation acess, Lantau Island had seen little urban development in the past which made it a popular destination for local holiday makers. After the completion of the Hong Kong Airport Core Programme which includes a new international airport in Chek Lap Kok, Lantau Island is now connected to the urban area by the Tsing Ma Bridge (which houses the Tung Chung Line of MTR and the Airport Express) and the Kap Sui Mun Bridge. A new town is also built in Tung Chung. With all these developments, Lantau Island is no longer considered a remote location.


During the Song Dynasty (960AD-1279AD), Lantau Island was seen as part of the Daxishan (which is close to Tai-yu-shan, the most widely accepted Cantonese name of Lantau Island) group of islands which included Hong Kong and some other neigbouring islands. In a book on the geography of southern China penned by Deng Chun, an author from Dongguan during the Ming Dynasty (1368AD-1644AD), there is the desciption of "a group of 36 islands collectively known as Daxishan". "The islands are located in the waters under the administration of the township of Dongguan. In their seaside caves there lives barbaric tribes known as Luting or Luyu who some believe are the descendents of the rebels led by Lu Xun." Deng wrote.

2010-11-17 13:11:14 補充:

2010-11-17 13:15:51 補充:
Lantau Island has been called by different names in local language. Apart from Tai-yu-shan and its variants, Lan Tau, meaning favus scars on the head, is another local name which also gives the island its name in English.

2010-11-17 13:16:06 補充:
Tai-yu-shan, the Chinese / Cantonese name of Lantau Island, is the only case in which the Chinese character 嶼 is pronounced as "yu", while in other cases it should be read as "zeoi".

2010-11-17 13:16:12 補充:
It is because the island has been calledas such by most locals for hundreds of years despite the random use of different written forms. When the official written form carrying the character 嶼 was accepted in mid-Qing Dynasty (around early 19th century), the pronouncation remained unchanged.

2010-11-17 13:19:49 補充:
最後一段的資料主要是官方譯音, 在政府網站都找到, 我想不用幫你譯了.

關於大嶼山中文名 / 古籍記載的那一段, 有大量資料和中國文字有關, 我用了很大工夫譯為英文, 同時把內容修改得適合外國人閱讀.

但對一般外國人介紹, 資料也許不用那麼詳細
2010-11-17 5:40 am
Lantau Island (known as the Tai Ho Chinese mainland island, as part of Wanshan Islands) is located southwest of Hong Kong, is Hong Kong's largest island within an area of 144 square kilometers, more than 84% of Hong Kong Island Great. Most areas are in outlying islands, Lantau Island, but the North-East Lantau, including the Yam O, Penny's Bay, Kap Shui Mun and so on in the district administration are in Tsuen Wan.

Lantau Island in the past because of poor roads, away from urban areas, none of lot of land development; but Hong Kong people has therefore become a good place for vacation. With the new airport at Chek Lap Kok Hong Kong Airport Core Programme related to the completion of the Tsing Ma Bridge (including the MTR Tung Chung Line and Airport Express Line) and the Kap Shui Mun Bridge linking Lantau and urban areas, and the Tung Chung new town development, make it easier to Lantau.

Lantau Island, also known as the Great Mountains, aunt Mountain, mountains, fish Mountain, Yushan, Tuen Mun Island and Lantou Island. [1] [2], Lantau Island, the English name "Lantau" is the Cantonese "Lantou" transliteration. Although the "island" in Cantonese pronunciation with the word "crime" (zeoi6), but the "Lantau" is read as "fish" (yu4). This is because the old name of Lantau Island, "big fish", "Great Yu", "Great Yu", etc. are all "fish" sound, "Lantau" a Daoguang reign began from the official name.

Region: Island, Tsuen Wan
Area: 144 square kilometers
Country Park: North Lantau Country Park, Lantau South Country Park
Building or facilities: the Giant Buddha, Po Lin Monastery, Ngong Ping 360, Hong Kong Disneyland, Ma Po Ping Prison, Shek Pik Reservoir, Shek Pik Prison, etc.
Gulf and the island areas: Mui Wo, Pui O, Chi Ma Wan Peninsula, Cheung Sha, Tong Fuk, Shui Hau, Shek Pik, diversion, Yi O, Ngong Ping, Keung Shan, Sham Wat, Sha Lo Wan, Tung Chung, Phoenix Mountain, Dongshan, Discovery Bay, Yam O, Penny's Bay

2010-11-17 5:36 am
Lantau Island (known as the Tai Ho Chinese mainland island, as part of Wanshan Islands) is located southwest of Hong Kong, is Hong Kong's largest island within an area of 144 square kilometers, more than 84% of Hong Kong Island Great. Most areas are in outlying islands, Lantau Island, but the North-East Lantau, including the Yam O, Penny's Bay, Kap Shui Mun and so on in the district administration are in Tsuen Wan.

Lantau Island in the past because of poor roads, away from urban areas, none of lot of land development; but Hong Kong people has therefore become a good place for vacation. With the new airport at Chek Lap Kok Hong Kong Airport Core Programme related to the completion of the Tsing Ma Bridge (including the MTR Tung Chung Line and Airport Express Line) and the Kap Shui Mun Bridge linking Lantau and urban areas, and the Tung Chung new town development, make it easier to Lantau.

In the Song dynasty, Lantau Island and Hong Kong Island and other islands collectively known as Big Xi Shan. Deng Ming Chun, Dongguan people with the "Lingnan cluster state," there is reference to "big Xi Shan, xxxvi Island, Wando-eup in the sea, the water's edge the rock, and many types of home Yi Man, Department of Lu Xun left or transmission types, this Name Lu Ting, Yi Yue Lu Yu. "

2010-11-16 21:47:42 補充:
不如我比個網子你 la because 我5可以一次過打落去!! sorry

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