What does it mean? 男人喝醉之後抱我

2010-11-16 1:43 pm
You can reply in chinese.

Basically the situation is, I liked this guy for a about a year or two. We were like close friends since we meet, but friends who doesn't reli talk. I kind of am close to him but never get to understand him. Close but in a distance.

There was a morning, he randomly texted me about dinner that night. I agreed and had dinner at his since he was cooking. Had a bit of white wine which was left behind from cooking and then i stayed at his because it was too late to go home alone.

Before he slept he warned me not to be too close to him because he don't know wt he will do. Somehow in the middle of the night, he hold my hands and then asked if he could hug me. I kind of didn't give him any reply n then he did. I enjoyed that moment but later thought it was a bit wrong n disgusting considering we are not in a relationship and he also pretend that nothing happened in the morning.

I wanted to talk to him face to face or give him hint but don't know how or wt to do.
I also don't want to ruin the friendship because he is the only few guy friends that i am left with. He is usually very caring when u ask for it.

I don't know if he is taking advantage of the fact that he knows i liked him or did he actually not know? I am glad he didn't do anything more than just hugging. I don't know if he has a bit of feelings on me or not but somehow i think he doesn't because if he does then something would have happen long ago right?

Anyone can answer my question or solve my problem? Thanks lol.

回答 (3)

2010-11-16 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know if he has a bit of feelings on me or not but somehow i think he doesn't because if he does then something would have happen long ago right?
Wrong Assumption!
男人也會怕羞怕被拒絕的。他是有很大的feeling for you.只是要一步一步的探路,如果一個男人第二次見你/約你便跟你說「我想你做我女朋友/我們結婚吧!」現實告訴男人除非他自己的西班牙人,對方是意大利人,否則成功機會是零。他現在的做法是在你們已經認識超過兩年才出現的話,他已經決定追你。



坦白講你現在要back out對他必然很傷,以後如果「他」不是你的煮飯仔老公對象,請不要上人屋企食飯,亦唔好請人返你屋企食飯,更唔好留宿。

如果你其實唔係想他做你老公,扮無知係無用的。因為他會開始積極地進攻,直至他得到你回答「我願意」。正面做法是講清楚「上次我唔知自己點解會留低(唔好講理由-例如夜/飲了酒等藉口),不過我可能令你誤會了,雖然你做晒啲浪漫嘢,不過你知女人的直覺啦,我唔係想做你女朋友的,我只能夠當你係朋友,甚至唔可以跟男朋友比的男性朋友,希望你可以接受。」hurt一次好過你繼續接受他的約會和聚會而愈踩愈深。如果他反應正面,可能你還能挽回:「其實我好欣賞你xxx, yyy, zzz;不過感覺唔係想親密那種,不過我相信你一定會找到愛你的好女仔的。」
2010-11-18 7:26 am
In such situation, he means nothing, but ths guy's quite respectful as he didn't take advantage in the nite ! He should hv some kind of reason(s) on behind his thought tht he didn't approach U in such a long time. It might be you ain't his cup of tea, yet or he's got girlfriend or shy or under facts finding or dislike office affair or bilibala U hv to wait & C. At least u need to understand each other is very important.

Oh, come on.. he was drunk & told you not to close to him ! He meant it !!! Why do U still... I mean where yr dignity is ! If I were you I'd insisted to go home at the 1st place. U sacrified & offered yrself with no complaint tht he didn't take & still pretended ignorant nxt mrng !!! 哇佢有冇挍錯呀, 賤格 ! So, he really hugged U, right ? Oh, my god.. U supposed to ask him to marry U bc he should be responsible for U. !^i^! wah.. moral no more ar ! 冇天理呀 !

I'm joking only, sorry, ok. Obviously, u like him VERY much tht he'd already know, & certainly he's a positive feelings on u as well, ok u happy now, bt you're a immatured girl, just behavior yrself to let others respect u first, if not.. bad impression. Ths guy's a gentleman & I believed he wasn't tht drunk in the nite, bt he almost lost control tht he struggled until nxt mrng. U shd stop yr emotional attacks as is 2 strong & directive. Focus on work 1st.

To get or test his acceptance isn't like tht, U hv to use strategic approach ! Hints, guys are jealous. BUT 唔好太過份呀 & 好易挍出人命架, ok. Handle it very carefully & consider others feelings. And most of the guys don't like rumors with office affair, U must keep yrself in low profile. U would find yr answer from his facial expression, & give u feedback. Good Luck.

2010-11-21 01:19:10 補充:
WRONG WORDING: bt you're a immatured girl, just behavior yrself to let... "behave yrself"
2010-11-16 2:24 pm
你走埋去.....come on~你心裡都有個答案啦

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